This short Microsoft Visual J++ example shows how you can associate your own function with a particular event.
// BeginEventExampleVJ import*; public class EventExampleVJ { ConnectionEventHandler handler = new ConnectionEventHandler(this,"onConnectComplete"); public void onConnectComplete(Object sender,ConnectionEvent e) { if (e.adStatus == AdoEnums.EventStatus.ERRORSOCCURRED) System.out.println("Connection failed"); else System.out.println("Connection completed"); return; } public static void main (String[] args) { EventExampleVJ Class1 = new EventExampleVJ(); Connection conn = new Connection(); conn.addOnConnectComplete(Class1.handler); // Enable event support."DSN=Pubs"); conn.close(); conn.removeOnConnectComplete(Class1.handler); // Disable event support. } } // EndEventExampleVJ
First, the class method onConnectionComplete is associated with the ConnectionComplete event by creating a new ConnectionEventHandler object and assigning the onConnectComplete function to the object.
The main function then creates a Connection object and enables event handling by calling the addOnConnectComplete method and passing it the address of the handler function.