ADO 2.5 API Reference


Specifies which fields can be used to detect conflicts during an optimistic update of a row of the data source with a Recordset object.

Use these constants with the Recordset "Update Criteria" dynamic property, which is referenced in the ADO Dynamic Property Index and documented in the Microsoft Cursor Service for OLE DB documentation.

Constant Value Description
adCriteriaAllCols 1 Detects conflicts if any column of the data source row has been changed.
adCriteriaKey 0 Detects conflicts if the key column of the data source row has been changed, which means that the row has been deleted.
adCriteriaTimeStamp 3 Detects conflicts if the timestamp of the data source row has been changed, which means the row has been accessed after the Recordset was obtained.
adCriteriaUpdCols 2 Detects conflicts if any of the columns of the data source row that correspond to updated fields of the Recordset have been changed.

ADO/WFC Equivalent



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