ADO 2.5 API Reference

WillExecute Event

The WillExecute event is called just before a pending command executes on a connection.


WillExecute Source, CursorType, LockType, Options, adStatus, pCommand, pRecordset, pConnection


A String that contains an SQL command or a stored procedure name.
A CursorTypeEnum that contains the type of cursor for the Recordset that will be opened. With this parameter, you can change the cursor to any type during a Recordset Open operation. CursorType will be ignored for any other operation.
A LockTypeEnum that contains the lock type for the Recordset that will be opened. With this parameter, you can change the lock to any type during a Recordset Open operation. LockType will be ignored for any other operation.
A Long value that indicates options that can be used to execute the command or open the Recordset.
An EventStatusEnum status value that may be adStatusCantDeny or adStatusOK when this event is called. If it is adStatusCantDeny, this event may not request cancellation of the pending operation.

Before this event returns, set this parameter to adStatusUnwantedEvent to prevent subsequent notifications, or adStatusCancel to request cancellation of the operation that caused this event.

The Command object for which this event notification applies.
The Recordset object for which this event notification applies.
The Connection object for which this event notification applies.


A WillExecute event may occur due to a Connection.Execute, Command.Execute, or Recordset.Open method The pConnection parameter should always contain a valid reference to a Connection object. If the event is due to Connection.Execute, the pRecordset and pCommand parameters are set to Nothing. If the event is due to Recordset.Open, the pRecordset parameter will reference the Recordset object and the pCommand parameter is set to Nothing. If the event is due to Command.Execute, the pCommand parameter will reference the Command object and the pRecordset parameter is set to Nothing.

WillExecute allows you to examine and modify the pending execution parameters. This event may return a request that the pending command be canceled.

See Also

Visual C++ Example

ADO Event Handler Summary

Applies To: Connection Object

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