ADO 2.5 Appendixes

Using Visual C++ Extensions

The IADORecordBinding Interface

The Microsoft Visual C++ Extensions for ADO associate, or bind, fields of a Recordset object to C/C++ variables. Whenever the current row of the bound Recordset changes, all the bound fields in the Recordset are copied to the C/C++ variables. If necessary, the copied data is converted to the declared data type of the C/C++ variable.

The BindToRecordset method of the IADORecordBinding interface binds fields to C/C++ variables. The AddNew method adds a new row to the bound Recordset. The Update method populates fields in new rows of the Recordset, or updates fields in existing rows, with the value of the C/C++ variables.

The IADORecordBinding interface is implemented by the Recordset object. You do not code the implementation yourself.

Binding Entries

The Visual C++ Extensions for ADO map fields of a Recordset object to C/C++ variables. The definition of a mapping between a field and a variable is called a binding entry. Macros provide binding entries for numeric, fixed-length, and variable-length data. The binding entries and C/C++ variables are declared in a class derived from the Visual C++ Extensions class, CADORecordBinding. The CADORecordBinding class is defined internally by the binding entry macros.

ADO internally maps the parameters in these macros to an OLE DB DBBINDING structure and creates an OLE DB Accessor object to manage the movement and conversion of data between fields and variables. OLE DB defines data as consisting of three parts: A buffer where the data is stored; a status that indicates whether a field was successfully stored in the buffer, or how the variable should be restored to the field; and the length of the data. (See the OLE DB Programmer's Reference, Chapter 6: Getting and Setting Data for more information.)

Header File

Include the following file in your application in order to use the Visual C++ Extensions for ADO:

#include <icrsint.h>

Binding Recordset Fields

To Bind Recordset Fields to C/C++ Variables

  1. Create a class derived from the CADORecordBinding class.
  2. Specify binding entries and corresponding C/C++ variables in the derived class. Bracket the binding entries between BEGIN_ADO_BINDING and END_ADO_BINDING macros. Do not terminate the macros with commas or semicolons. Appropriate delimiters are specified automatically by each macro.

    Specify one binding entry for each field to be mapped to a C/C++ variable. Use an appropriate member from the ADO_FIXED_LENGTH_ENTRY, ADO_NUMERIC_ENTRY, or ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY family of macros.

  3. In your application, create an instance of the class derived from CADORecordBinding. Get the IADORecordBinding interface from the Recordset. Then call the BindToRecordset method to bind the Recordset fields to the C/C++ variables.

See the Visual C++ Extensions Example for more information.

Interface Methods

The IADORecordBinding interface has three methods: BindToRecordset, AddNew, and Update. The sole argument to each method is a pointer to an instance of the class derived from CADORecordBinding. Therefore, the AddNew and Update methods cannot specify any of the parameters of their ADO method namesakes.


The BindToRecordset method associates the Recordset fields with C/C++ variables.

BindToRecordset(CADORecordBinding *binding)

The AddNew method invokes its namesake, the ADO AddNew method, to add a new row to the Recordset.

AddNew(CADORecordBinding *binding)

The Update method invokes its namesake, the ADO Update method, to update the Recordset.

Update(CADORecordBinding *binding)

Binding Entry Macros

Binding entry macros define the association of a Recordset field and a variable. A beginning and ending macro delimits the set of binding entries.

Families of macros are provided for fixed-length data, such as adDate or adBoolean; numeric data, such as adTinyInt, adInteger, or adDouble; and variable-length data, such as adChar, adVarChar or adVarBinary. All numeric types, except for adVarNumeric, are also fixed-length types. Each family has differing sets of parameters so that you can exclude binding information that is of no interest.

See the OLE DB Programmer's Reference, Appendix A: Data Types for additional information.

Begin Binding Entries


Fixed-Length Data

ADO_FIXED_LENGTH_ENTRY(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Status, Modify)
ADO_FIXED_LENGTH_ENTRY2(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Modify)

Numeric Data

ADO_NUMERIC_ENTRY(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Precision, Scale, Status,
ADO_NUMERIC_ENTRY2(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Precision, Scale, Modify)

Variable-Length Data

ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Size, Status,
                                                       Length, Modify
ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY2(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Size, Status,
ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY3(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Size, Length,
ADO_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ENTRY4(Ordinal, DataType, Buffer, Size, Modify)

End Binding Entries


Parameter Description
Class Class in which the binding entries and C/C++ variables are defined.
Ordinal Ordinal number, counting from one, of the Recordset field corresponding to your C/C++ variable.
DataType Equivalent ADO data type of the C/C++ variable (see DataTypeEnum for a list of valid data types). The value of the Recordset field will be converted to this data type if necessary.
Buffer Name of the C/C++ variable where the Recordset field will be stored.
Size Maximum size in bytes of Buffer. If Buffer will contain a variable-length string, allow room for a terminating zero.
Status Name of a variable that will indicate whether the contents of Buffer are valid, and whether the conversion of the field to DataType was successful.

The two most important values for this variable are adFldOK, which means the conversion was successful; and adFldNull, which means the value of the field would be a VARIANT of type VT_NULL and not merely empty.

Possible values for Status are listed in the next table, "Status Values."

Modify Boolean flag; if TRUE, indicates ADO is allowed to update the corresponding Recordset field with the value contained in Buffer.

Set the Boolean modify parameter to TRUE to enable ADO to update the bound field, and FALSE if you want to examine the field but not change it.

Precision Number of digits that can be represented in a numeric variable.
Scale Number of decimal places in a numeric variable.
Length Name of a four-byte variable that will contain the actual length of the data in Buffer.

Status Values

The value of the Status variable indicates whether a field was successfully copied to a variable.

When setting data, Status may be set to adFldNull to indicate the Recordset field should be set to null.

Constant Value Description
adFldOK 0 A non-null field value was returned.
adFldBadAccessor 1 Binding was invalid.
adFldCantConvertValue 2 Value couldn't be converted for reasons other than sign mismatch or data overflow.
adFldNull 3 When getting a field, indicates a null value was returned.

When setting a field, indicates the field should be set to NULL when the field cannot encode NULL itself (for example, a character array or an integer).

adFldTruncated 4 Variable-length data or numeric digits were truncated.
adFldSignMismatch 5 Value is signed and variable data type is unsigned.
adFldDataOverFlow 6 Value is larger than could be stored in the variable data type.
adFldCantCreate 7 Unknown column type and field already open.
adFldUnavailable 8 Field value could not be determined—for example, on a new, unassigned field with no default value.
adFldPermissionDenied 9 When updating, no permission to write data.
adFldIntegrityViolation 10 When updating, field value would violate column integrity.
adFldSchemaViolation 11 When updating, field value would violate column schema.
adFldBadStatus 12 When updating, invalid status parameter.
adFldDefault 13 When updating, a default value was used.

See Also

ADO with Visual C++ Extensions Example | Visual C++ Extensions Header

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