Copies a entity represented by a Record to another location.
Record.CopyRecord (Source, Destination, UserName, Password, Options, Async)
A String value that typically returns the value of Destination. However, the exact value returned is provider-dependent.
The values of Source and Destination must not be identical; otherwise, a run-time error occurs. At least one of the server, path, or resource names must differ.
All children (for example, subdirectories) of Source are copied recursively, unless adCopyNonRecursive is specified. In a recursive operation, Destination must not be a subdirectory of Source; otherwise, the operation will not complete.
This method fails if Destination identifies an existing entity (for example, a file or directory), unless adCopyOverWrite is specified.
Important Use the adCopyOverWrite option judiciously. For example, specifying this option when copying a file to a directory will delete the directory and replace it with the file.
Note URLs using the http scheme will automatically invoke the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing. For more information, see Absolute and Relative URLs.
Applies To: Record Object