Copies the specified number of characters or bytes (depending on Type) in the Stream to another Stream object.
Stream.CopyTo DestStream, NumChars
Note The DestStream parameter may not be a proxy of Stream object because this requires access to a private interface on the Stream object that cannot be remoted to the client.
This method copies the specified number of characters or bytes, starting from the current position specified by the Position property. If the specified number is more than the available number of bytes until EOS, then only characters or bytes from the current position to EOS are copied. If the value of NumChars is 1, or omitted, all characters or bytes starting from the current position are copied.
If there are existing characters or bytes in the destination stream, all contents beyond the point where the copy ends remain, and are not truncated. Position becomes the byte immediately following the last byte copied. If you want to truncate these bytes, call SetEOS.
CopyTo should be used to copy data to a destination Stream of the same type as the source Stream (their Type property settings are both adTypeText or both adTypeBinary). For text Stream objects, you can change the Charset property setting of the destination Stream to translate from one character set to another. Also, text Stream objects can be successfully copied into binary Stream objects, but binary Stream objects cannot be copied into text Stream objects.
Applies To: Stream Object