This example demonstrates the Execute method when run from both a Command object and a Connection object. It also uses the Requery method to retrieve current data in a Recordset, and the Clear method to clear the contents of the Errors collection. (The Errors collection is accessed via the Connection object of the ActiveConnection property of the Recordset.) Name the file ExecuteJS.asp.
<!-- BeginExecuteJS --> <%@LANGUAGE="JScript"%> <%// use this meta tag instead of> <!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" --> <% strLastName = new String(Request.Form("AuthorLName")); if (strLastName.indexOf("undefined") > -1) strLastName = ""; %> <html> <head> <title>Execute, Requery and Clear Methods Example (JScript)</title> <style> <!-- BODY { font-family: 'Verdana','Arial','Helvetica',sans-serif; BACKGROUND-COLOR:white; COLOR:black; } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="White"> <h1>Execute, Requery and Clear Methods Example (JScript)</h1> <% if (strLastName.length > 0) { // command and recordset variables var Connect = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=" + Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") + ";" + "Initial Catalog='pubs';Integrated Security='SSPI';"; var Cnxn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"); var cmdAuthor = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"); var rsAuthor = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); var rsAuthor2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"); var SQLAuthor2, strMessage, strMessage2; var Err, ErrCount; try { // open connection Cnxn.Open(Connect); // command object parameters cmdAuthor.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE au_lname = ?"; cmdAuthor.Parameters.Append(cmdAuthor.CreateParameter("Last Name", adChar, adParamInput, 20, strLastName)); cmdAuthor.ActiveConnection = Cnxn; // recordset from command.execute rsAuthor = cmdAuthor.Execute(); // recordset from connection.execute SQLAuthor2 = "SELECT * FROM Authors"; rsAuthor2 = Cnxn.Execute(SQLAuthor2); // check for errors ErrCount = Cnxn.errors.count; if(ErrCount !== 0) //write the errors { for(Err = 0; Err = ErrCount; Err++){ Err = Cnxn.errors.item; Response.Write(Err); } // clean out any existing errors Cnxn.Errors.Clear; } // show the data Response.Write("<HR><HR>"); // first recordset Response.Write("<b>Command.Execute results</b>") while (!rsAuthor.EOF) { // build output string by starting a new line strMessage = "<P>"; strMessage += "<br>"; // recordset data strMessage += rsAuthor("au_fname") + " "; strMessage += rsAuthor("au_lname") + " "; // end the line strMessage += "</P>"; // show the results Response.Write(strMessage); // get next record rsAuthor.MoveNext; } Response.Write("<HR><HR>"); // second recordset Response.Write("<b>Connection.Execute results</b>") while (!rsAuthor2.EOF) { // start a new line strMessage2 = "<P>"; // first and last name are in first column strMessage2 += rsAuthor2("au_fname") + " " strMessage2 += rsAuthor2("au_lname") + " "; // end the line strMessage2 += "</P>"; // show results Response.Write(strMessage2); // get next record rsAuthor2.MoveNext; } } catch (e) { Response.Write(e.message); } finally { // clean up if (rsAuthor.State == adStateOpen) rsAuthor.Close; if (rsAuthor2.State == adStateOpen) rsAuthor2.Close; if (Cnxn.State == adStateOpen) Cnxn.Close; rsAuthor1 = null; rsAuthor2 = null; Cnxn = null; } } %> <hr> <form method="POST" action="ExecuteJS.asp" id=form1 name=form1> <p align="left">Enter last name of author to find (e.g., Ringer): <input type="text" name="AuthorLName" size="40"></p> <p align="left"><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2"></p> </form> </body> </html> <!-- EndExecuteJS -->
Clear Method | Command Object | Connection Object | Error Object | Execute Method (ADO Command) | Execute Method (ADO Connection) | Recordset Object | Requery Method