ADO 2.5 API Reference

CursorType Property

Indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object.

Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a CursorTypeEnum value. The default value is adOpenForwardOnly.


Use the CursorType property to specify the type of cursor that should be used when opening the Recordset object.

Only a setting of adOpenStatic is supported if the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient. If an unsupported value is set, then no error will result; the closest supported CursorType will be used instead.

If a provider does not support the requested cursor type, it may return another cursor type. The CursorType property will change to match the actual cursor type in use when the Recordset object is open. To verify specific functionality of the returned cursor, use the Supports method. After you close the Recordset, the CursorType property reverts to its original setting.

The following chart shows the provider functionality (identified by Supports method constants) required for each cursor type.

For a Recordset of this CursorType The Supports method must return True for all of these constants
adOpenForwardOnly none
adOpenKeyset adBookmark, adHoldRecords, adMovePrevious, adResync
adOpenDynamic adMovePrevious
adOpenStatic adBookmark, adHoldRecords, adMovePrevious, adResync
Note   Although Supports(adUpdateBatch) may be true for dynamic and forward-only cursors, for batch updates you should use either a keyset or static cursor. Set the LockType property to adLockBatchOptimistic and the CursorLocation property to adUseClient to enable the Cursor Service for OLE DB, which is required for batch updates.

The CursorType property is read/write when the Recordset is closed and read-only when it is open.

Remote Data Service Usage   When used on a client-side Recordset object, the CursorType property can be set only to adOpenStatic.

See Also

Visual Basic Example | Visual C++ Example | Visual J++ Example

Supports Method

Applies To: Recordset Object

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