ADO 2.5 API Reference

Optimize Property—Dynamic (ADO)

Specifies whether an index should be created on a field.

Settings and Return Values

Sets or returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an index should be created.


An index can improve the performance of operations that find or sort values in a Recordset. The index is internal to ADO—you cannot explicitly access or use it in your application.

To create an index on a field, set the Optimize property to True. To delete the index, set this property to False.

Optimize is a dynamic property appended to the Field object Properties collection when the CursorLocation property is set to adUseClient.


Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim fld As Field
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient      'Enable index creation
rs.Fields.Append "Field1", adChar, 35, adFldIsNullable
Set fld = rs.Fields(0)
fld.Properties("Optimize") = True    'Create an index
fld.Properties("Optimize") = False   'Delete an index

See Also

Visual Basic Example | Visual C++ Example | Visual J++ Example

Filter Property | Find Method | Sort Property

Applies To: Field Object

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