This example demonstrates the Type property. It is a model of a utility for listing the names and types of a collection, like Properties, Fields, etc.
We do not need to open the Recordset to access its Properties collection; they come into existence when the Recordset object is instantiated. However, setting the CursorLocation property to adUseClient adds several dynamic properties to the Recordset object's Properties collection, making the example a little more interesting. For sake of illustration, we explicitly use the Item property to access each Property object.
// BeginTypePropertyCpp #import "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll" \ no_namespace rename("EOF", "EndOfFile") #include <ole2.h> #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> // Function declarations inline void TESTHR(HRESULT x) {if FAILED(x) _com_issue_error(x);}; void TypeX(); void PrintComError(_com_error &e); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Main Function // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void main() { if(FAILED(::CoInitialize(NULL))) return; TypeX(); ::CoUninitialize(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TypeX Function // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TypeX() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Define ADO object pointers. // Initialize pointers on define. // These are in the ADODB:: namespace _RecordsetPtr pRst = NULL; PropertyPtr pProperty = NULL; //Define Other Variables _bstr_t strMsg; _variant_t vIndex; int intLineCnt = 0; try { TESTHR(pRst.CreateInstance (__uuidof(Recordset))); // Set the Recordset Cursor Location pRst->CursorLocation = adUseClient; for (short iIndex = 0; iIndex <= (pRst->Properties-> GetCount() - 1);iIndex++) { vIndex = iIndex; pProperty = pRst->Properties->GetItem(vIndex); int propType = (int)pProperty->GetType(); switch(propType) { case adBigInt: strMsg = "adBigInt"; break; case adBinary: strMsg = "adBinary"; break; case adBoolean: strMsg = "adBoolean"; break; case adBSTR: strMsg = "adBSTR"; break; case adChapter: strMsg = "adChapter"; break; case adChar: strMsg = "adChar"; break; case adCurrency: strMsg = "adCurrency"; break; case adDate: strMsg = "adDate"; break; case adDBDate: strMsg = "adDBDate"; break; case adDBTime: strMsg = "adDBTime"; break; case adDBTimeStamp: strMsg = "adDBTimeStamp"; break; case adDecimal: strMsg = "adDecimal"; break; case adDouble: strMsg = "adDouble"; break; case adEmpty: strMsg = "adEmpty"; break; case adError: strMsg = "adError"; break; case adFileTime: strMsg = "adFileTime"; break; case adGUID: strMsg = "adGUID"; break; case adIDispatch: strMsg = "adIDispatch"; break; case adInteger: strMsg = "adInteger"; break; case adIUnknown: strMsg = "adIUnknown"; break; case adLongVarBinary: strMsg = "adLongVarBinary"; break; case adLongVarChar: strMsg = "adLongVarChar"; break; case adLongVarWChar: strMsg = "adLongVarWChar"; break; case adNumeric: strMsg = "adNumeric"; break; case adPropVariant: strMsg = "adPropVariant"; break; case adSingle: strMsg = "adSingle"; break; case adSmallInt: strMsg = "adSmallInt"; break; case adTinyInt: strMsg = "adTinyInt"; break; case adUnsignedBigInt: strMsg = "adUnsignedBigInt"; break; case adUnsignedInt: strMsg = "adUnsignedInt"; break; case adUnsignedSmallInt: strMsg = "adUnsignedSmallInt"; break; case adUnsignedTinyInt: strMsg = "adUnsignedTinyInt"; break; case adUserDefined: strMsg = "adUserDefined"; break; case adVarBinary: strMsg = "adVarBinary"; break; case adVarChar: strMsg = "adVarChar"; break; case adVariant: strMsg = "adVariant"; break; case adVarNumeric: strMsg = "adVarNumeric"; break; case adVarWChar: strMsg = "adVarWChar"; break; case adWChar: strMsg = "adWChar"; break; default: strMsg = "*UNKNOWN*"; break; } intLineCnt++; if (intLineCnt%20 == 0) { printf("\nPress any key to continue...\n"); getch(); } printf ("Property %d : %s,Type = %s\n",iIndex, (LPCSTR)pProperty->GetName(),(LPCSTR)strMsg); } } catch(_com_error &e) { // Notify the user of errors if any. PrintComError(e); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PrintComError Function // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PrintComError(_com_error &e) { _bstr_t bstrSource(e.Source()); _bstr_t bstrDescription(e.Description()); // Print Com errors. printf("Error\n"); printf("\tCode = %08lx\n", e.Error()); printf("\tCode meaning = %s\n", e.ErrorMessage()); printf("\tSource = %s\n", (LPCSTR) bstrSource); printf("\tDescription = %s\n", (LPCSTR) bstrDescription); } // EndTypePropertyCpp
Property Object | Type Property