This example demonstrates the Type property. It is a model of a utility for listing the names and types of a collection, like Properties, Fields, etc.
We do not need to open the Recordset to access its Properties collection; they come into existence when the Recordset object is instantiated. However, setting the CursorLocation property to adUseClient adds several dynamic properties to the Recordset object's Properties collection, making the example a little more interesting. For sake of illustration, we explicitly use the Item property to access each Property object.
// BegintTypePropertyJ import*; import* ; public class TypePropertyX { // The main entry point for the application. public static void main (String[] args) { TypePropertyX(); System.exit(0); } // TypePropertyX function static void TypePropertyX() { // Define ADO Objects. Recordset rst = null; AdoProperty prop = null; // Declarations. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; String strCnn = "DSN='Pubs';Provider='MSDASQL';Integrated Security='SSPI';"; String strMsg; int intIndex; int intDisplaysize = 15; try { rst = new Recordset(); rst.setCursorLocation(AdoEnums.CursorLocation.CLIENT); for(intIndex = 0; intIndex <= rst.getProperties().getCount() - 1;intIndex++) { prop = rst.getProperties().getItem(intIndex); switch(prop.getType()) { case AdoEnums.DataType.BIGINT : strMsg = "adBigInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.BINARY : strMsg = "adBinary"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.BOOLEAN : strMsg = "adBoolean"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.BSTR : strMsg = "adBSTR"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.CHAPTER : strMsg = "adChapter"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.CHAR : strMsg = "adChar"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.CURRENCY : strMsg = "adCurrency"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DATE : strMsg = "adDate"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DBDATE : strMsg = "adDBDate"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DBTIME : strMsg = "adDBTime"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DBTIMESTAMP : strMsg = "adDBTimeStamp"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DECIMAL : strMsg = "adDecimal"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.DOUBLE : strMsg = "adDouble"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.EMPTY : strMsg = "adEmpty"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.ERROR : strMsg = "adError"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.FILETIME : strMsg = "adFileTime"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.GUID : strMsg = "adGUID"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.IDISPATCH : strMsg = "adIDispatch"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.INTEGER : strMsg = "adInteger"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.IUNKNOWN : strMsg = "adIUnknown"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.LONGVARBINARY : strMsg = "adLongVarBinary"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.LONGVARCHAR : strMsg = "adLongVarChar"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.LONGVARWCHAR : strMsg = "adLongVarWChar"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.NUMERIC : strMsg = "adNumeric"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.PROPVARIANT : strMsg = "adPropVariant"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.SINGLE : strMsg = "adSingle"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.SMALLINT : strMsg = "adSmallInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.TINYINT : strMsg = "adTinyInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.UNSIGNEDBIGINT : strMsg = "adUnsignedBigInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.UNSIGNEDINT : strMsg = "adUnsignedInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.UNSIGNEDSMALLINT : strMsg = "adUnsignedSmallInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.UNSIGNEDTINYINT : strMsg = "adUnsignedTinyInt"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.USERDEFINED : strMsg = "adUserDefined"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.VARBINARY : strMsg = "adVarBinary"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.VARCHAR : strMsg = "adVarChar"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.VARIANT : strMsg = "adVariant"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.VARNUMERIC : strMsg = "adVarNumeric"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.VARWCHAR : strMsg = "adVarWChar"; break; case AdoEnums.DataType.WCHAR : strMsg = "adWChar"; break; default: strMsg = "*UNKNOWN*"; break; } System.out.println("Property " + Integer.toString(intIndex) + " : " + prop.getName() + ", Type = " + strMsg); if(intIndex % intDisplaysize == 0 && intIndex != 0) { System.out.println("\nPress <Enter> to continue.."); in.readLine(); } } System.out.println("\nPress <Enter> to continue.."); in.readLine(); } catch( AdoException ae ) { // Notify user of any errors that result from ADO. // As passing a Recordset, check for null pointer first. if (rst != null) { PrintProviderError(rst.getActiveConnection()); } else { System.out.println("Exception: " + ae.getMessage()); } } // System read requires this catch. catch( je) { PrintIOError(je); } finally { // Cleanup objects before exit. if (rst != null) if (rst.getState() == 1) rst.close(); } } // PrintProviderError Function static void PrintProviderError(Connection cnn1) { // Print Provider Errors from Connection Object. // ErrItem is an item object in the Connections Errors Collection. ErrItem = null; long nCount = 0; int i = 0; nCount = cnn1.getErrors().getCount(); // If there are any errors in the collection, print them. if ( nCount > 0) { // Collection ranges from 0 to nCount-1. for ( i=0;i<nCount; i++) { ErrItem = cnn1.getErrors().getItem(i); System.out.println("\t Error Number: " + ErrItem.getNumber() + "\t" + ErrItem.getDescription()); } } } // PrintIOError Function static void PrintIOError( je) { System.out.println("Error: \n"); System.out.println("\t Source: " + je.getClass() + "\n"); System.out.println("\t Description: "+ je.getMessage() + "\n"); } } // EndTypePropertyJ
Property Object | Type Property