Edit Groups
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To reorder group members

  1. At the Command prompt, enter group.
  2. In the Object Grouping dialog box, under Change Group, click Re-Order.
  3. In the Order Group dialog box, under Group Name, select the group to reorder.
  4. To view the current order of this group, click Highlight.
  5. In the Object Grouping dialog box, click Next or Previous to view the objects. Click OK when you have finished viewing the order of the objects.
  6. In the Order Group dialog box, under Remove From Position, enter an object number.
  7. Under Enter New Position Number for the Object, enter a new position.
  8. Under Number of Objects, enter the object number or range of numbers to reorder. Click Re-Order.
  9. Click OK to close each dialog box.
 Command entry: GROUP