Draw Freehand Sketches
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To sketch and record freehand lines

  1. At the command prompt, enter sketch.
  2. At the Record Increment prompt, enter the minimum line segment length.
  3. Click the start point to put the “pen” down.

    When you move the pointing device, temporary freehand line segments of the length you specified are drawn. SKETCH doesn't accept coordinate input. During the command, freehand lines are displayed in a different color.

  4. Click the endpoint to lift the “pen” up so that you can move the cursor around the screen without drawing. Click a new start point to resume drawing from the new cursor position.
  5. Enter r at any time to record (save) the line you're drawing in the database and those already drawn.

    If the pen is down, you can continue drawing after recording. If the pen is up, click to resume drawing. The freehand line starts from wherever the cursor is when you click.

  6. Press ENTER to complete the sketch and record all unrecorded lines.