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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

To purge an unused linetype

  1. Click Tools tabDrawing Utilities panelPurge.At the Command prompt, enter purge.

    The Purge dialog box displays a tree view of object types with items that can be purged.

  2. To purge unreferenced linetypes, use one of the following methods:

    If the item you want to purge is not listed, select View Items You Cannot Purge.

  3. You are prompted to confirm each item in the list. If you do not want to confirm each purge, clear the Confirm Each Item to Be Purged option.
  4. Click Purge.

    To confirm the purging of each item, respond to the prompt by choosing Yes or No, or Yes to All if more than one item is selected.

  5. Click Close.
 Command entry: PURGE