Define the Geographic Location for a DWG File
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To import a kml or kmz file into the drawing

  1. Click Render tabSun & Location panelSet Location. At the Command prompt, enter geographiclocation
  2. Click Import a KML or KMZ File.
  3. Navigate to the location of the KML or KMZ file. Click Open.
    NoteIf your KML or KMZ file references multiple locations, only the first location is used. In such cases, click Close when the Multiple Locations Found dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click or enter a point or value for the location in the World Coordinate System (WCS) X, Y, Z format.
  5. Click to specify the north direction.

    A geographic marker (visual representation of the location information) is inserted at the specified location.

    NoteThe geographic marker displays differently in 2D and 3D views.