Use common tools in the classic menu bar, toolbars, tool palettes, status bars, shortcut menus, and Design Center to find more commands, settings, and modes.
Display pull-down menus from the classic menu bar using one of several methods. You can also specify alternate menus.
Use buttons on toolbars to start commands, display flyout toolbars, and display tooltips. You can display or hide, dock, and resize toolbars.
The application and drawing status bars provide useful information and buttons for turning drawing tools on and off.
Use the keyboard to access the Application menu, Quick Access toolbar, and ribbon.
You can display commands, system variables, options, messages, and prompts in a dockable and resizable window called the command window.
Display a shortcut menu for quick access to commands that are relevant to your current activity.
Tool palettes are tabbed areas within the Tool Palettes window that provide an efficient method for organizing, sharing, and placing blocks, hatches, and other tools. Tool palettes can also contain custom tools provided by third-party developers.
With DesignCenter, you can manage block references, xrefs, and other content such as layer definitions, layouts, and text styles.