ALM-11280 E1/T1 remote alarm


The alarm is reported when the E1 chip of the peer end equipment fails to receive correct input signals or the transmission quality is bad.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
11280 Major Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Site No.

Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

Value range: 0-2047

2 Board Type

Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to.


3 Board No.

Number of the fault board

1: DPTU on COMM1

2: DPTU on COMM2

4 PassNo

Number of the passage where the faulty board is located.

5 SubLink No.

Alarm sub-category number

0:E1Port No0

1:E1Port No1

2:E1Port No2

3:E1Port No3

4:E1Port No4

5:E1Port No5

6:E1Port No6

7:E1Port No7

8:E1Port No8

9:E1Port No9

10:E1Port No10

11:E1Port No11

12:E1Port No12

13:E1Port No13

14:E1Port No14

15:E1Port No15

6 Cell Index

Index of the cell where the board or module is located

0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration

65535: None

7 Site Type

Type of the site where the faulty board is located.



16:BTS3012 II;

8 RackNo

Number of the rack where the faulty board is located.

9 BoxNo

Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located.

10 SlotNo

Number of the slot where the faulty board is located.

11 Site Name

Site Name

12 Alarm Attribute

Alarm Character


1:Transient Count

Impact on the System

Service is interrupted when the alarm is generated.

System Actions

Check alarms periodically and report them if any.

Possible Causes

  • The A-bit of the odd numbered frame TS0 of the received E1 frames is set to 1.
  • The local TX incurs an error.
  • The peer RX incurs an error.


  1. Check whether the local E1 configuration and the local TX/RX frame format are consistent with the peer E1 configuration and the peer TX/RX frame format.

    Y=>Go to step 3.

    N=>Go to step 2.

  2. Check whether connection of the E1 TX/RX line is correct.

    Y=>Go to step 3

    N=>Reconnect it, and then Go to step 3.

  3. Check whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=>The alarm handling is complete.

    N=>Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.

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