ALM-11332 IP clock abnormal alarm


IP clock abnormal alarm is classified into IP clock link abnormal alarm, IP clock unlocked alarm, IP clock source lost alarm, and IP clock great frequency offset alarm. The specific alarm type can be found in the local log of the DPTU. [1] IP clock link abnormal alarm: This alarm is reported when the clock link is abnormal or the handshake fails in IP transport mode. [2] IP clock unlocked alarm: This alarm is reported when the IP clock is out of lock. [3] IP clock source lost alarm: This alarm is reported when the IP clock source is lost. [4] IP clock great frequency offset alarm: This alarm is reported when the frequency offset of the IP clock source is great.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
11332 Major Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Site No.

Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

Value range: 0-2047

2 Board Type

Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to.


3 Board No.

Number of the fault board

1: DPTU on COMM1

2: DPTU on COMM2

4 PassNo

Number of the passage where the faulty board is located.

5 SubLink No.

Alarm sub-category number


6 Cell Index

Index of the cell where the board or module is located

0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration

65535: None

7 Site Type

Type of the site where the faulty board is located.



16:BTS3012 II;

8 RackNo

Number of the rack where the faulty board is located.

9 BoxNo

Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located.

10 SlotNo

Number of the slot where the faulty board is located.

11 Site Name

Site Name

12 Alarm Attribute

Alarm Character


1:Transient Count

Impact on the System

  • IP clock link abnormal alarm: When the alarm occurs, the BTS cannot communicate with the clock server and the clock packets cannot be received. The BTS cannot receive the clock input.
  • IP clock unlocked alarm: When the alarm occurs, the phase-locked loop is out of the locked state and the clock synchronization fails. In this case, the services are greatly affected.
  • IP clock lost alarm: When the alarm occurs, the BTS does not have the clock input and the clock synchronization fails. In this case, the services are greatly affected.
  • IP clock great frequency offset alarm: When the alarm occurs, frequency offset between the BTS and the clock is great and the BTS cannot enter the locked state to perform clock synchronization. In this case, the services are greatly affected.

System Actions


Possible Causes

  • The data configuration of the BTS IPCLK is incorrect.
  • The connection between the BTS and the clock server is faulty.
  • The clock server is faulty or the configuration of the clock server is faulty.
  • The frequency output of the clock server is incorrect.
  • The 13 MHz frequency output corresponding to the DA of the DTMU is incorrect.


  1. Connect securely the Ethernet cable and check whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N => Go to step 2.

  2. Short circuit the FE0 and FE1. Check whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N => Go to step 3.

  3. Replace the board and check whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N => Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.

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