21024 GBAM File Check Failure


GBAM/GOMU Files Check Fail Alarm


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21024 Major Event


ID Name Meaning
1 Version area

0=active version area,1=standby version area

2 Patch area

0=active patch area,1=standby patch area

3 File type

0=patch file,1=version software,2=secondary BIOS file,3=license file,4=configuration file,5=other files that support loading

4 Incorrect reason

0=File not found,1=File inconsistent

5 File name

File name of the file of which the verification fails

6 Alarm Attribute

0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold.

1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN".

Impact on the System

When the board is started or the software is upgraded, if the software is required to be loaded from the GBAM/GOMU, the start or the upgrade of the board fails.

System Actions


Possible Causes

  • The version software stored on the GBAM/GOMU, the secondary BIOS file, the patch file, and the license file are manually damaged.
  • The file transfer is faulty during the download of the file from the file server.
  • The hard disk is damaged.


  1. Use a file comparison tool such as the BeyondCompare to compare the files in the server with the released files. Check whether the version software on the file server is consistent with the formally issued version.

    Y => Go to 2.

    N => Download the version software again. The alarm handling is complete.

  2. Log in to the GBAM/GOMU. Check whether the files in the version area are consistent with those on the file server or in the version release directory.

    Y => Go to 3.

    N => Download the version software again. The alarm handling is complete.

  3. Check whether the hardware is faulty (check the indicators on the GBAM/GOMU hardware to confirm whether the hardware is abnormal).

    Y => Change the hardware or switch over the GBAM/GOMU. The alarm handling is complete.

    N => The hardware is normal. Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.

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