21528 Remote SCCP Fault


The alarm is reported when the SCCP management subsystem of the destination point is faulty and the SCCP layer cannot handle the services.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
21528 Major Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Dest Signaling Point Index

Record of a SCCP Sub System, which is automatically generated during the configuration

2 Net Indication

0=International,1=International Standby,2=National,3=National Standby

3 SCCP Dest Signaling Point Code

Code of the signaling point in the signaling network, which is specified during data configuration of the signaling point

4 Local Signaling Point Code

Code of the signaling point in the network, which is specified during data configuration of the signaling point

5 SubrackNo.

Number of the subrack where the board is located

6 Slot No.

Number of the slot where the board is located

7 CPU No.

Number of the CPU where the GXPUM is located

8 Alarm Attribute

0=Normal, Alarms period are longer than the Transient Threshold.

1=Transient Count, The times and the period of the alarms whose periods are shorter than the Transient Threshold are summed up. If the sum result is longer than the Alarm Occurrence Period Threshold or Alarm Occurrence Times Threshold, an alarm so called Transient Count Alarm is triggered. Because Transient Count Alarm is based on accumulative result, the recovery of the alarm may occur at least one Summing Cycle later. The Summing Cycle can be query by MML "LST STATSLDWIN".

Impact on the System

The services of the local signaling point and the remote SCCP cannot be carried out.

System Actions

All the messages sent to the signaling points are prohibited.

Possible Causes

  • The SCCP management subsystem of the destination point are prohibited.
  • The UPU message of the destination point is received.


  1. Notify the maintenance personnel of the remote office to handle the alarm in time.

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