ALM-2544 TCU Board AC/DC Power Alarm


This alarm is triggered when the AC/DC PSU of the TCU has no voltage output.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
2544 Major Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Site No.

Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

Value range: 0-2047

2 Board Type

Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to.


3 Board No.

Number of the fault board

0:TCU 0

4 PassNo

Number of the passage where the faulty board is located.

5 SubLink No.

Alarm sub-category number


6 Cell Index

Index of the cell where the board or module is located

0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration

65535: None

7 Site Type

Type of the site where the faulty board or module is located

10: BTS3012A

8 RackNo

Number of the rack where the faulty board is located.

9 BoxNo

Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located.

10 SlotNo

Number of the slot where the faulty board is located.

11 Site Name

Site Name

12 Alarm Attribute

Alarm Character


1:Transient Count

Impact on the System


System Actions


Possible Causes

  • The AC/DC PSU of the TCU fails.
  • There is no mains input.
  • The battery fails.


  1. Check whether there is any correlated alarm

    Check whether ALM-2362 No Mains Supply Alarm is reported on the LMT.

    Y=> Handle ALM-2362 No Mains Supply Alarmaccording to the corresponding handling suggestions. Check whether the alarm is cleared. The alarm is cleared, Alarm handling is completed. The alarm is not cleared, Go to Step 2.

    N=> Go to Step 2.

  2. Replace the TCU

    Replace the TCU and view whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N=>Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.

    Follow the following instructions to replace the TCU:

    1. Shut off the power supply for voltage regulator of the air-conditioner.
    2. Shut off the power supply for the TCU.
    3. Unclench the screws fastening the TCU, then remove the TCU and place it on the anti-static foam block.
    4. Insert a new TCU and fasten it with screws.
    5. Start the power supply for voltage regulator of the air-conditioner.
    6. Enable the power supply for the TCU.

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