ID | Name | Meaning |
1 | Site No. | Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located Value range: 0-2047 |
2 | Board Type | Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to. 64:DTMU/DOMU 87:GTMU |
3 | Board No. | Number of the fault board 0-7:DTMU/DOMU/GTMU |
4 | PassNo | Number of the passage where the faulty board is located. |
5 | SubLink No. | Alarm sub-category number SubNo 30:The DIP swithe of rack ID or type ID is wrong SubNo 31:The DIP switches is not consistent with the transmission mode configured in BTS 3006C/3002E SubNo 38:In Rack 0 of BTS 3012/3012AE, DABB board is online, but the master and backup XMU's DIP switches of OML slot are not consistent. |
6 | Cell Index | Index of the cell where the board or module is located 0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration 65535: None |
7 | Site Type | Type of the site where the faulty board is located. 12:BTS3012; 13:BTS3006C; 14:BTS3002E; 15:BTS3012AE; 16:BTS3012 II; |
8 | RackNo | Number of the rack where the faulty board is located. |
9 | BoxNo | Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located. |
10 | SlotNo | Number of the slot where the faulty board is located. |
11 | Site Name | Site Name |
12 | Alarm Attribute | Alarm Character 0:Normal 1:Transient Count |
Check whether the DIP switches are set correctly. Configure the DIP switch correctly, and check whether the alarm is cleared.
In the case of the BTS3012, BTS3012AE, and BTS3012II,
Check settings of the DIP switches SW9, SW10, SW2, SW3, SW4, and SW5.The SW9 and SW10 are the DIP switches indicating the rack type. The SW2, SW3, SW4, and SW5 are the DIP switches indicating the main or extension rack.
When all the bits of the SW9 and SW10 are ON, it indicates the BTS3012 rack. When the bits of the SW10 are ON, the SW9 BIT1 is OFF, the SW9 BIT2 is ON, and the other two bits are ON, it indicates the BTS3012AE rack.
When SW10 bits are all ON, SW9 BIT1 is ON, SW9 BIT2 is OFF, and the other two bits are ON, it indicates the BTS3012II rack. When the SW2, SW3, SW4, and SW5 are all ON, it indicates the main rack. When the SW2, SW3, SW4, and SW5 are all OFF, it indicates the extension rack.
Y => The alarm is cleared. No further action is required.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Go to procedure 4.
Check the DIP switch of the transmission mode in the BTS3006C/BTS3002E.
Check whether the DIP switch of the transmission mode in the BTS3006C/BTS3002E is consistent with that of the transmission mode in the site. Make them consistent and check whether the alarm is cleared.
The DIP switch is configured as follows:
Bit 1 of S1: On indicates the E1 transmission mode, and OFF indicates the optical transmission mode.
Y => The alarm is cleared. End the alarm handling.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Go to procedure 4.
On the basis of the correct site configuration, reset the DIP switches of the OML timeslot of the active and standby XMUs to achieve consistency.
Check whether the DIP switch S3 on the active and standby DTMUs are consistent. The S3 is used to configure the E1 bypass and set the OML timeslot of the DTMU. The configuration is described as follows:
Bit OML timeslot in E1 mode OML timeslot in T1 mode
1 2 3
ON ON ON 31 24
OFF ON ON 30 23
ON OFF ON 29 22
OFF OFF ON 28 21
ON ON OFF 27 20
Y => The alarm is cleared. End the alarm handling.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Go to procedure 4.
Replace the main control module, and then check whether the alarm is cleared:
Y => The alarm is cleared. End the alarm handling.
N => The alarm is not cleared. Contact Huawei Customer Service Center.