ID | Name | Meaning |
1 | Site No. | Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located Value range: 0-2047 |
2 | Board Type | Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to. 72:DPMU 133:APM/APMU |
3 | Board No. | Number of the fault board Value range:0-8:DPMU/APM/APMU |
4 | PassNo | Number of the passage where the faulty board is located. |
5 | SubLink No. | Alarm sub-category number 255: None |
6 | Cell Index | Index of the cell where the board or module is located 0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration 65535: None |
7 | Site Type | Type of the site where the faulty board is located. 12:BTS3012; 15:BTS3012AE; 16:BTS3012 II; 17:DBS3900 GSM; 18:BTS3900 GSM; 19:BTS3900A GSM; |
8 | RackNo | Number of the rack where the faulty board is located. |
9 | BoxNo | Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located. |
10 | SlotNo | Number of the slot where the faulty board is located. |
11 | Site Name | Site Name |
12 | Alarm Attribute | Alarm Character 0:Normal 1:Transient Count |
If N+1 backup mechanism is not used for the power system, the normal operation of the entire system will be affected.
Probable Causes Troubleshooting
Probable Causes : 1. There is no input power. Troubleshooting: Make sure there is input power.
2 .The polarity of the input power is wrong or the fuse is burnt.
Troubleshooting: Replace the faulty PSU.
Probable Causes : 1. The DC input voltage exceeds the threshold.
Troubleshooting: Make sure the DC input voltage is within the normal value.
Troubleshooting: Replace the faulty PSU.
The power supply module is overloaded or short-circuited. Thus, the current-limiting protection mechanism is triggered and the DC output voltage exceeds the current-limiting threshold. The module restores to normal operation after the load is decreased to normal value or after the short-circuit is cleared.
Probable Causes : 1. The fans are blocked. Remove the object that blocks the normal operation of the fans.
Troubleshooting: Remove the object that blocks the air inlet or outlet. Or clean the dust on the dust filter or the barrier.
Troubleshooting: Remove the heating object to reduce the temperature of the environment.
Probable Causes : The fans stop. Troubleshooting: Replace the faulty fans.
Y=> The alarm is cleared. The alarm handling is complete.
N=> The alarm persists. Please contact Huawei Customer Service Center.