ALM-6062 Parameter set collision alarm



Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
6062 Warning Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Site No.

Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

Value range: 0-2047

2 Board Type

Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to.



3 Board No.

Number of the fault board

Value range:0-8:

4 PassNo

Number of the passage where the faulty board is located.

5 SubLink No.

Alarm sub-category number

0: Power System Control Setting Conflict

1: Even/Floating Charge Voltage Setting Conflict

2: Battery Parameter Setting Conflict

3: Power-Off Parameter Setting Conflict

4: Battery Group Temperature Compensation Setting Conflict

5: Power Module Parameter Setting Conflict

6: Power Distribution Parameter Setting Conflict

7: Environment Parameter Setting Conflict

8: Standby Analog and Boolean Parameter Setting Conflict

9: Overtemperature Protection Setting Conflict

10: Alarm Severity Setting Conflict

11: System Clock Setting Conflict

12: Battery Installation Beginning Time Setting Conflict

13: Smoke Alarm Clearance Setting Conflict

14: Power System Setting Conflict

15: Intelligent DG and Power Supply Peak Adjustment Setting Conflict

6 Cell Index

Index of the cell where the board or module is located

0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration

65535: None

7 Site Type

Type of the site where the faulty board is located.

17:DBS3900 GSM;

18:BTS3900 GSM;

19:BTS3900A GSM;

8 RackNo

Number of the rack where the faulty board is located.

9 BoxNo

Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located.

10 SlotNo

Number of the slot where the faulty board is located.

11 Site Name

Site Name

12 Alarm Attribute

Alarm Character


1:Transient Count

Impact on the System


System Actions


Possible Causes

The parameter settings of GSM input power do not match that of UMTS input power.


  1. If the alarm sub-category number is 0, check whether the GSM controlled state, charging state, load power-on and power-off control states, and battery power-on and power-off control states are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  2. If the alarm sub-category number is 1, check whether the GSM even charging voltage and float charging voltage are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  3. If the alarm sub-category number is 2, check whether the GSM storage battery coefficient, capacity of batteries 1 and 2, and channels of batteries are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  4. If the alarm sub-category number is 3, check whether the GSM load, battery power-off allowed state, battery power-off voltage, undertemperature startup load power-off allowed state, undertemperature startup load power-off temperature are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  5. If the alarm sub-category number is 4, check whether the upper and lower thresholds of sensor measurement at batteries temperature 1, overtemperature and undertemperature alarm thresholds at batteries temperature 1, upper and lower thresholds of sensor measurement at batteries temperature 2, overtemperature and undertemperature alarm thresholds at batteries temperature 2, temperature compensation coefficient, and temperature of batteries temperature compensation basis are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  6. If the alarm sub-category number is 5, check whether the quantities and locations of GSM and UMTS PSUs are the same.

  7. If the alarm sub-category number is 6, check whether the GSM AC overvoltage and undervoltage alarm thresholds and DC overvoltage and undervoltage alarm thresholds are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  8. If the alarm sub-category number is 7, check whether the upper and lower thresholds of the GSM ambient temperature measurement, overtemperature and undervoltage alarm thresholds, upper and lower thresholds of ambient humidity measurement, and overhumidity and underhumidity alarm thresholds are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  9. If the alarm sub-category number is 8, check whether the upper and lower alarm thresholds of GSM reserved analog values 1 to 6 and the alarm level of reserved Boolean values 1 to are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  10. If the alarm sub-category number is 9, check whether the GSM load overtemperature power-off enabled control state, load overtemperature power-off temperature, battery overtemperature power-off enabled control state, and battery overtemperature power-off temperature are the same as the UMTS configurations.

  11. If the alarm sub-category number is 10, check whether the severities of GSM alarms are the same as that of UMTS alarms.

  12. If the alarm sub-category number is 11, check whether the existing time of the GSM PMU is the same as the time of the UMTS PMU.

  13. If the alarm sub-category number is 12, check whether the installation time of GSM batteries is the same as the time of UMTS batteries.

  14. If the alarm sub-category number is 13, check whether smoke alarms can be reset in the GSM and UMTS networks.

  15. If the alarm sub-category number is 14, GSM even charging voltage, float charging voltage, load power-off allowed state, battery power-off allowed state, load power-off voltage, batteries power-off voltage, undertemperature startup load power-off allowed state, undertemperature startup load power-off temperature, AC overvoltage and undervoltage alarm thresholds, and DC overvoltage and undervoltage alarm thresholds are the same of the UMTS configurations.

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