ALM-7508 Optical Receive Channel Alarm


This alarm is triggered when the RLOS (signal loss at receiving end) alarm, or the RLOF (frame loss at receiving end) alarm, or the HPLOM (multi-frame loss at high-phase channel) alarm occurs to the TEU.


Alarm ID Alarm Severity Alarm Type
7508 Critical Fault


ID Name Meaning
1 Site No.

Number of the site where the faulty board or module is located

Value range: 0-2047

2 Board Type

Number of the type which the faulty board belongs to.


3 Board No.

Number of the fault board

0:TEU 0

4 PassNo

Number of the passage where the faulty board is located.

5 SubLink No.

Alarm sub-category number


6 Cell Index

Index of the cell where the board or module is located

0-2047: Cell index of the faulty cell in the data configuration

65535: None

7 Site Type

Type of the site where the faulty board is located.









16:BTS3012 II;

8 RackNo

Number of the rack where the faulty board is located.

9 BoxNo

Number of the subrack where the faulty board is located.

10 SlotNo

Number of the slot where the faulty board is located.

11 Site Name

Site Name

12 Alarm Attribute

Alarm Character


1:Transient Count

Impact on the System

Services borne by the faulty optical interface are interrupted. If the optical interface connecting to the lower level devices fails, services supported by the lower level devices will be interrupted. If the optical interface connecting to the upper level devices fails, services supported by the devices of the lower level or the local level will be interrupted.

System Actions


Possible Causes

  • Data configured for the TEU service is incorrect.
  • The transmission over optical fiber between the BSC and the BTS fails.
  • The transmission over optical fiber between the TEU and the lower level optical transmission device fails.
  • The sending function of the TEU lower level optical transmission device is faulty.
  • The TEU optical receiving hardware is faulty.


  1. Check configuration for optical fiber

    On optical transmission network management system, select the TEU, click "Configuration/Upload/Download Configurations" to upload the board data. Click the "Payload" button in the toolbar to display an interface, where the configuration for "Westward", "Eastward" and "TU" are listed. If "Eastward" has been configured but the corresponding fiber has not been connected, then remove the configuration of Eastward service. View whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N=> Go to Step 2.

  2. Check optical transmission network

    Check to ensure the power supply for other network elements (NE) in the optical transmission network is normal, and the cable connecting to the local BTS has been connected properly, and the transmission devices of the upper layer are in normal operation. Clear the faults of other NEs if any. View whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N=> Go to Step 3.

  3. Check the fiber connector and flange

    Check whether the tail fiber is neat, and whether the flange is properly connected. Clean the tail fiber if dirty and reconnect the flange properly. View whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N=>Go to Step 4.

  4. Measure power of optical signals from the peer end

    Measure the power of optical signals from the peer end to see whether the result is smaller than -28dBm.

    Y=>The optical path is normal. Go to Step 5.

    N=>Since the attenuation of optical signals is overmuch or the components of the optical path are in poor contact, the BTS cannot receive optical signals. Clear the fault of the peer end. The alarm handling ends.

  5. Perform self-loop for western optical fiber and eastern optical fiber

    Perform self-loop for western optical fiber and eastern optical fiber. View whether the alarm is cleared.

    Y=> The alarm handling ends.

    N=> Huawei Customer Service Center. The alarm may be caused by TEU hardware failure.

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