Query the capacity of the battery group and the discharging and charging records

To query the Volume of Assembled Battery, do as follows:

1) Log in to the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal.

2) Click a site in the BSC6000 management tree.

The Site Device Panel tab page is displayed.

3)Right-click the DPMU and choose Set/Query Power Module Parameters on the shortcut menu.

4)The Volume of Assembled Battery can be viewed in the Battery Information tab page.

To query the Battery Parameters, do as follows:

1) Log in to the BSC6000 Local Maintenance Terminal.

2) Click a site in the BSC6000 management tree.

The Site Device Panel tab page is displayed.

3)Right-click the DPMU and choose Maintain Battery on the shortcut menu.

4)The Query Battery Parameters can be viewed.

You can see the discharging and charging records on this tab page.

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