Check the traffic measurement counters for interference

Register the traffic statistics counters "TCH performance measurement", "Cell frequency scan", and "Receive quality performance measurement".

1) Analyze "TCH performance measurement -> Average number of idle TCHs in interference bands 4 and 5".

Normally the value of "TCH performance measurement -> Average number of idle TCHs in interference bands 4 and 5" is 0.

2) Analyze "Cell frequency scan".

Normally, “Cell frequency scan -> all frequencies (main RX/diversity RX)" is approximately "-110/-110".

Meaning of the measurement result of the frequency n (main RX/diversity RX):The strength of RX signals on the main antenna and the diversity antenna at frequency n, in unit of dBm. For example, “-80/-70” indicates that the strength of RX signals from the main antenna is -80 dBm, and the strength of RX signals from the diversity antenna is -70 dBm.

3) Analyze “Receive level performance measurement”.

a. Receive level performance measurement -> Number of MRs with uplink receive level rank m and receive quality rank n

b. Receive level performance measurement -> Number of MRs with downlink receive level rank m and receive quality rank n

Normally, there is no such a MR with high receive level and high BER (for example, the receive level rank 4 or 5 while the receive quality rank 6 or 7 at the same time).

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