
A configuration command that adds a network service virtual connection (NSVC).


1. The NSVC is differentiated by the data link control identifier (DLCI).

2. An NSVC is carried on a bearer channel (BC) of an E1/T1. A BC can carry several NSVCs. An NSVC belongs to only one BC and only one NSE, whereas an NSE can correspond to several NSVCs.

3. A permanent virtual connection (PVC) is uniquely identified in a BSC by four parameters: Subrack No., Slot No., BC Identifier, and Data Link Connection Identifier. A BC supports up to 195 PVCs and a BSC supports up to 1024 PVCs.


ID Name Description
NSVCI NSVC Identifier

Meaning:NSVC Identifier

Value range:0~65534

Explanation: This parameter specifies the NSVC Identifier (NSVCI). The NSVCI is unique in one NES. The number of NS-VCs configured on a BC depends on the number of timeslots occupied by the BC. Huawei recommends that the number of NS-VCs configured meet the following requirement: 10 kbit/s<=(number of timeslots occupied by BC x 64 kbit/s) / number of NS-VCs configured on BC NS-VC<=100 kbit/s.

Default value:None

NSEI NSE Identifier

Meaning:NSE Identifier

Value range:0~65534

Explanation: This parameter specifies the NSE index.

Default value:None

SRN Subrack No.

Meaning:Subrack No.

Value range:0~11

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack that holds the GEPUG.

Default value:None

SN Slot No.

Meaning:Slot No.

Value range:0~27

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which the GEPUG is located.

Default value:None

BCID BC Identifier

Meaning:BC Identifier

Value range:0~255

Explanation: This parameter specifies the bearer channel ID.

Default value:None

DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier

Meaning:Data Link Connection Identifier

Value range:16~1007

Explanation: This parameter specifies the DLCI value. The value range of this parameter depends on DLCIType. If DLCIType is set to 1, the DLCI value ranges from 16 to 1007.

Default value:None


Add an NSVC (NSVC Identifier = 1; NSE Identifier = 0; Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 18; BC Identifier = 11; Data Link Connection Identifier = 123):
ADD NSVC: NSVCI=1, NSEI=0, SRN=0, SN=18, BCID=11, DLCI=123;
Related reference
Add BSC Board(ADD BRD)
Add Bearer Channel(ADD BC)

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