1. The name of an originating signaling point must be different from the names of the configured originating signaling points.
2. The OPC must be different from the DPC, SPC, and other OPCs configured in the system.
3. A BSC can be configured with up to four originating signaling points. The encoding schemes and network indicators of the second, third, and forth originating signaling points must be the same as those of the first originating signaling point.
ID | Name | Description |
NAME | OPC Name | Meaning:OPC Name Value range:1-49 characters Explanation:This parameter is used to identify the OSP. Each OSP has a name in the OSP table, and the name of each MTP3 OSP must be unique. Default value:None |
OPC | OPC Code | Meaning:OPC Code Value range:1~16777215 Explanation:1.This parameter specifies the code of the signaling network where the local signaling point is located. In the signaling network, each signaling point has a unique signaling point code. 2.This parameter can be displayed in decimal, hexadecimal, and binary mode. By default, this parameter is displayed in decimal mode. The hexadecimal format is H' and the binary format is B'. Default value:None |
NETSTRUCT | Encoding Scheme | Meaning:Encoding Scheme Value range:BIT24(24BIT),BIT14(14BIT) Explanation:NETLABEL. Default value:BIT24 |
NI | Network Indicator | Meaning:Network Indicator Value range:INT(International),INTB(International Standby),NAT(National),NATB(National Standby) Explanation:This parameter specifies the types of signaling network where the signaling point is located: international network, international standby network, national network, and national standby network. Default value:NATB |