The RXU can be added on only the DBS3900 GSM, BTS3900 GSM, BTS3900A GSM, DBS3036, BTS3036, BTS3036A and BTS3900E GSM. To bind logical TRX to RXU board, use ADD TRX command.
ID | Name | Description |
IDXTYPE | Index Type | Meaning:Index Type Value range:BYNAME(By Name),BYIDX(By Index) Explanation: Index type. Default value:None |
BTSNAME | BTS Name | Meaning:BTS Name Value range:1-32 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the name of a BTS. The name of each BTS is unique in a BSC. Excluding the invalid characters ';',',','"','''','=','\','%%','+++','&','#'. Default value:None |
BTSIDX | BTS Index | Meaning:BTS Index Value range:0~2047 Explanation:This parameter specifies the index number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Default value:None |
BRDTP | Board Type | Meaning:Board Type Value range:DRRU(DRRU),DRFU(DRFU),MRRU(MRRU),XRRU(XRRU),MRFU(MRFU),GRFU(GRFU),GRRU(GRRU),XRFU(XRFU),BTS3900E(BTS3900E) Explanation:This patameter is used to distinguish different RXU Board Types. Default value:None |
BRDNO | Board No. | Meaning:Board No. Value range:0~71 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the number of the BTS3900E,DRRU, MRRU, GRRU or XRRU. 2. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "NO", the DRRU, MRRU, GRRU, or XRRU is mixedly configured in subrack 3 or 4 of cabinet 0 with the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU. The board number ranges from 0 to 47. 3. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", the DRRU, MRRU, GRRU or XRRU is located only in subrack 4 of cabinet 0. The number of the boards in subrack 4 ranges from 48 to 71. The numbers 0-17 are allocated to the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU or XRFU. 4. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", you need not enter the number of the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU or XRFU. The system specifies the numbers based on the cabinet mapping rule and the slot number of the board. 5. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU has three CPRI connection relations (SFP port number and cascading level). One Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of one cascading level can be used for each port. The board number ranges from 0 to 5. Two Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of two cascading levels can be used for each port. The boards 6-11 are located in subrack 9 of cabinet 1. Three Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of three cascading levels can be used for each port. The boards 6-11 are located in subrack 9 of cabinet 1, and the boards 12-17 are located in subrack 15 of cabinet 2. Default value:None |
RXUNAME | RXU Name | Meaning:RXU Name Value range:1-32 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of the RXU. Each RXU is named uniquely in a BTS. Default value:None |
RXUCHAINNO | RXU Link No. | Meaning:RXU Link No. Value range:0~11 Explanation:This parameter specifies the number of the RXU chain. One BTS is configured with up to 12 RXU chains, and the chain number of a BTS is unique. Default value:None |
RXUCHAINHEADPN | RXU Chain Head Port No. | Meaning:RXU Chain Head Port No. Value range:0~5 Explanation:RXU Chain Head Port No. Default value:None |
INSERTPOS | Insert RXU Position | Meaning:Insert RXU Position Value range:0~6 Explanation:Insert Position. Default value:None |
ISRFUCFGBYSLOT | Cfg RFU By Slot | Meaning:Cfg RFU By Slot range:YES(YES),NO(NO) Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies whether to configure the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU by slot or link. 2. When setting the BTS to support the configuration of the RFU by slot, set this parameter to "YES". When setting the BTS not to support the configuration of the RFU by slot, set this parameter to "NO". 3. If this parameter is set to "YES", you must enter the numbers of the subrack and slot where the new board is located. If you need to specify the CPRI connection relations (SFP port number and cascading level) based on a rule that is different from the cabinet mapping rule specified by the system, the parameters "RXU Chain Head Port No." and "Insert RXU Position" must be specified. If this parameter is set to "NO", you must set "TRX Board No.", "RFU Link No." and "RXU Chain Head Port No.". Default value:None |
RRUTRXBN | TRX Board No. | Meaning:TRX Board No. Value range:0~71 Explanation: 1. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "NO", the board number ranges from 0 to 47. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", the board number ranges from 0 to 71. 2. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", you need not enter the number of the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU or XRFU. The system specifies the numbers based on the cabinet mapping rule and the numbers of the slot and subrack where the board is located. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", the number of the DRRU, MRRU, GRRU or XRRU ranges from 48 to 71. These boards are all located in subrack 4 of cabinet 0. 4. When "Cfg RFU by Slot" is set to "YES", the DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU has three CPRI connection relations (SFP port number and cascading level). One Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of one cascading level can be used for each port. The board number ranges from 0 to 5. Two Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of two cascading levels can be used for each port. The boards 6-11 are located in subrack 9 of cabinet 1. Three Cabinet Mapping Rule: The DRFU, MRFU, GRFU, or XRFU uses the SFP port numbered 0 to 5 of cabinet 0. A maximum of three cascading levels can be used for each port. The boards 6-11 are located in subrack 9 of cabinet 1, and the boards 12-17 are located in subrack 15 of cabinet 2. Default value:None |
RFUSUBRANKNO | RFU Subrack No. | Meaning:Insert RFU Subrack No. Value range:0~17 Explanation:Subrack No. of RFU Board. Default value:None |
RFUSLOTNO | RFU Slot No. | Meaning:RFU Board Slot No Value range:0~23 Explanation:RFU board slot No. Default value:None |
RFUCHAINNO | RXU Chain No. | Meaning:RXU Chain No. Value range:0~11 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the RXU chain. One BTS is configured with up to 12 RXU chains, and the chain number of a BTS is unique. Default value:None |
RFUCHAINHEADPN | RXU Chain Head Port No. | Meaning:RXU Chain Head Port No. Value range:0~5 Explanation:RXU Chain Head Port No. Default value:None |
RFUINSERTPOS | Insert RXU Position | Meaning:Insert RXU Position Value range:0~7 Explanation:Insert Position. Default value:None |
RFUCHAINHEADPN1 | RXU Chain Head Port No. | Meaning:RXU Chain Head Port No. Value range:0~5 Explanation:RXU Chain Head Port No. Default value:None |
RFUINSERTPOS1 | Insert RXU Position | Meaning:Insert RXU Position Value range:0~7 Explanation:Insert Position. Default value:None |
Add an RXU board(Index Type = BYIDX(By Index); BTS Index = 0;): Board Type=XRRU(XRRU); Board No.=4; RXU Name=XRRU; RXU Link No.=0; RXU Chain Head Port No.=0; Insert RXU Position=3: ADD RXUBRD: IDXTYPE=BYIDX, BTSIDX=3, BRDTP=XRRU, BRDNO=4, RXUNAME="XRRU", RXUCHAINNO=0, RXUCHAINHEADPN=0, INSERTPOS=3;