Turn Off Alarm Box Indicator(CLR BOXLGT)


Clear the alarm indicators of a certain alarm severity.


1. After the alarm box indicator related to a certain alarm severity is turned off, the alarm indicator does not blink even if the current alarm persists.

2. The indicator status is not affected by alarms at other alarm severities or another alarm at the current severity.


ID Name Description
BOXLOC Alarm Box Position

Meaning: position of the alarm box

Value range: loc(Local), omu(OMU)

Explanation: The value loc(Local) indicates that the alarm box is connected to the serial port on the local PC; the value omu(OMU) indicates that the alarm box is connected to the OMU.

Default value: loc(Local)

ALVL Alarm Severity

Meaning: alarm severity

Value range: Critical(Critical Alarm), Major(Major Alarm), Minor(Minor Alarm), Warning(Warning)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the alarm severity for turning off the corresponding indicator on the alarm box. The status of this indicator does not affect the indicators corresponding to other severities.

Default value: None


1.Clear indicators with alarm severity of major in the alarm box. 
2.Clear indicators with alarm severity of minor in the alarm box. 

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