Display Board Status(DSP BRDSTAT)


An OM command that queries the status of the board, including administration status, operation status, HA state, and availability status.


1. The specified board must be configured and functional.

2. When the XPUM/XPUT status is queried, the availability state may be "Some are available". This indicates that one or more CPUs on the XPUM/XPUT are not in operation. You can run the DSP CPUSTAT command to query the CPU status.

3. If the optional parameter Slot No. is not specified, the status of all the boards in the specified subrack is displayed.


ID Name Description
SRN Subrack No.

Meaning: subrack number

Value range: 0-11

Explanation: The subrack number uniquely identifies a subrack.

Default value: None

SN Slot No.

Meaning: slot number

Value range: 0-27


1. The subrack number and slot number uniquely identify a board.

2. The slot number is an optional parameter. If not specified, the status of all the boards in the specified subrack is queried.

Default value: None


1. Query the status of the board in slot 6 of subrack 0:
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2007-11-19 10:51:44
O&M    #1227
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

Display Board Status
Subrack No.  Slot No.  Administrative State  Operate State  HA State  Available State
0            6         Unlock                Enable         Active    Normal    
(Number of results = 1)

---    END

2. Query the status of all the boards in subrack 0:
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2008-07-08 09:38:33
O&M    #1276
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

Display Board Status
Subrack No.  Slot No.  Administrative State  Operate State  HA State    Available State

0            2         Unlock                Enabled        Active      Normal
0            4         Unlock                Disabled       Invalid     Uninstalled
0            5         Unlock                Enabled        Active      Normal
0            6         Unlock                Enabled        Standby     Normal
0            7         Unlock                Enabled        Active      Normal
0            12        Unlock                Enabled        Active      Normal
0            13        Unlock                Enabled        Standby     Normal
0            14        Unlock                Enabled        Standalone  Normal
0            15        Unlock                Enabled        Standalone  Normal
0            16        Unlock                Disabled       Standalone  Inconsistent
(Number of results = 10)

---    END

Output Description

Domain Name Description
Subrack No.

Number of the subrack where the board is located.

Slot No.

Number of the slot where the board is located.

Administrative State

Whether the object provides services. The PARC of the current version does not maintain the administration state, and the value returned is always Unlock.

Operate State

Whether the object can be operated. The value can be Enabled or Disabled.

HA State

The value can be Active, Standby, Unassigned, Invalid, or Standalone. If the board is configured but out of position, the value is Invalid.

Available State

Additional description of the status of the object. The value can be Normal, Faulty, Inconsistent, Uninstalled, or Partial Fault. If the board is not loaded successfully, the value is Faulty; if the board inserted is not consistent with the configuration, the value is Inconsistent; if the board is not in position, the value is Uninstalled.

Related reference
Display Board Attributes(DSP BRD)

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