ID | Name | Description |
NSEI | NSE Id | Meaning: NSE ID Value range: 0-65534 Explanation: This parameter specifies the ID of the network service entity of the NSVL. Default value: None |
NSVLTYPE | NSVL Type | Meaning: remote/local NSVL ID Value range: BYLOCALNSVL(Local NSVL), BYREMOTENSVL(Remote NSVL) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to query the status of the local NSVL or the remote NSVL. Default value: None |
LOCALNSVLI | Local NSVL Id | Meaning: local NSVL ID Value range: 0-1023 Explanation: This parameter specifies the ID of the local network service virtual link. Default value: None |
REMOTENSVLI | Remote NSVL Id | Meaning: Remote NSVL ID Value range: 0-1023 Explanation: This parameter specifies the ID of the remote network service virtual link. Default value: None |
1. Query the status of all the local NSVLs of an NSE (NSE Id = 1; NSVL Type = BYLOCALNSVL(Local NSVL)): DSP NSVL: NSEI=1, NSVLTYPE=BYLOCALNSVL; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 2008-07-18 12:08:36 O&M #49571 %%DSP NSVL: NSEI=1, NSVLTYPE=BYLOCALNSVL;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded Query NSVL state ------------ NSE Id Local NSVL Id NSVL State 1 0 Faulty 1 1 Faulty (Number of results = 2) --- END 2. Query the status of an remote NSVL of an NSE (NSE Id = 1; NSVL Type = BYREMOTENSVL(Remote NSVL); NSVL Id = 10): +++ HUAWEI 2008-07-18 12:08:36 O&M #49571 %%DSP NSVL: NSEI=1, NSVLTYPE=BYREMOTENSVL, REMOTENSVLI=10;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded Query NSVL state ------------ NSE Id Remote NSVL Id NSVL State 1 10 Normal (Number of results = 1) --- END