Display Flow of Specific Service Type or User(DSP SERVICESTAT)


An OM command that queries the flow of a specific service type or a specific user.


1. This command applies to only the BTS3012, BTS3012AE, BTS3012II, and the NGBTSs such as BTS3036, BTS3900 GSM, BTS3036A, BTS3900A GSM, DBS3036, DBS3900 GSM and BTS3900E GSM in IP transmission mode.

2. The channel must be a TCH or a PDCH; otherwise, the message "The specified type of channel does not support the operation" is displayed.

3. In case of dynamic conversion between a TCH and a PDCH, the queried channel data might be incorrect.


ID Name Description
IDXTYPE Index Type

Meaning: index type

Value range: BYNAME(By Name), BYIDX(By Index)

Explanation: The value BYNAME(By Name) indicates the query based on the BTS name and the value BYIDX(By Index) indicates the query based on the BTS index.

Default value: None


Meaning: BTS index

Value range: 0-2047


1. This parameter specifies the index of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC.

2. This parameter is mandatory if BYIDX(By Index) is selected for the Index Type of the BTS.

Default value: None


Meaning: BTS name

Value range: 1-32 characters


1. This parameter specifies the name of a BTS. Each BTS is named uniquely in a BSC.

2. This parameter is mandatory if BYNAME(By Name) is selected for Index Type of the BTS.

Default value: None

STATTYPE Statistic Type

Meaning: type of flow for measurement

Value range: SERVTYPE(Service Type), TRXCHAN(Trx and Channel)

Explanation: The value SERVTYPE(Service Type) indicates that the flow of a specific service type is measured; the value TRXCHAN(Trx and Channel) indicates that the flow of a specific user is measured.

Default value: None


Meaning: TRX number

Value range: 0-71

Explanation: This parameter specifies the TRX number in the BTS.

1. The TRX number on the NGBTS ranges from 0 to 35.

2. The TRX number on the BTS3012, BTS3012AE, and BTS3012II ranges from 0 to 71.

Default value: None

CHNNO Channel No.

Meaning: channel number

Value range: 0-7

Explanation: This parameter specifies the channel number concerning a TRX.

Default value: None

SCHNNO Sub channel No.

Meaning: subchannel number

Value range: 0, 1


1. If this parameter is not set, the TCHF is queried; if this parameter is set, the specified subchannel of a TCHH is queried.

2. If the subchannel is specified for a TCHF or no subchannel is specified for a TCHH, the message "The specified type of channel does not support the operation." is displayed.

Default value: None

SERVTYPE Service Type

Meanings:Service Type

Value range:CS,PS

Content:Service Type

Default value:none


Query the transmit flow (Index Type = BYIDX(By Index); BTS Index = 0; Statistic Type = SERTYPE(Service Type); Service Type = CS):
The result is as follows:

+++    HUAWEI        2008-09-25 22:08:07
O&M    #39
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

     Transmit Packages  =  0
        Transmit Bytes  =  5459484
      Receive Packages  =  0
         Receive Bytes  =  6198405
    Transmit Max Speed  =  126
    Transmit Min Speed  =  14
Transmit Average Speed  =  64
     Receive Max Speed  =  111
     Receive Min Speed  =  36
 Receive Average Speed  =  73
(Number of results = 1)

---    END

Output Description

Domain Name Description
Transmit Packages

Number of sent packets

Transmit Bytes

Number of sent bytes

Receive Packages

Number of received packets

Receive Bytes

Number of received bytes

Transmit Max Speed

Maximum transmission rate, in bit/s

Transmit Min Speed

Minimum transmission rate, in bit/s

Transmit Average Speed

Average transmission rate, in bit/s

Receive Max Speed

Maximum reception rate, in bit/s

Receive Min Speed

Minimum reception rate, in bit/s

Receive Average Speed

Average reception rate, in bit/s

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