List Alarm Log(LST ALMLOG)


List alarm records in the log, based on the specified query conditions.

You can set Alarm Cleared Flag to uncleared(uncleared) to query the active alarms.


Date and time rules:

1. Start date: the date of the 7th day before the current day, if there is a start time without a start date

2. End date: the current date, if there is an end time without an end date

3. Start time: 00:00:00, if there is a start date without a start time

4. End time: 23:59:59, if there is an end date without an end time

5. Start time: 00:00:00 2000-01-01, if there is no start date or start time

6. End time: 23:59:59 2050-12-31, if there is no end time or end date

Parameters rules:

1. The maximum number of querying parameters is 17. For the combination querying, each option is regarded as a querying parameter.


ID Name Description
ALMTP Alarm Type

Meaning: alarm type

Value range: flt(malfunction), evt(event), all(all)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the type of the alarm to be queried.

Default value: all(all)

CLRFLG Alarm Cleared Flag

Meaning: whether the alarm to be queried is cleared

Value range: cleared(cleared), uncleared(uncleared)

Explanation: This parameter specifies whether the alarm to be queried is cleared. You can select one or both of the options: cleared(cleared) and uncleared(uncleared). By default, both of the options are selected.

Default value: None

SCSN Start Serial No.

Meaning: start serial number of the alarm to be queried

Value range: 1-2147483646

Explanation: Each reported alarm is assigned a serial number in succession. The clear alarm and corresponding fault alarm have the same serial number.

Default value: None

ECSN End Serial No.

Meaning: end serial number of the alarm records to be queried

Value range: 1-2147483646

Explanation: This parameter specifies the end serial number of the alarm records to be queried.

Default value: None


Meaning: start alarm ID

Value range: 1-65533

Explanation: This parameter specifies the start alarm ID in the query.

Default value: None


Meaning: end alarm ID

Value range: 1-65533

Explanation: This parameter specifies the end alarm ID in the query.

Default value: None

ALVL Alarm Severity

Meaning: alarm severity

Value range: Critical(Critical Alarm), Major(Major Alarm), Minor(Minor Alarm), Warning(Warning)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the severity of the alarm to be queried. If the parameter is not set, the alarms at all the severities are queried.

Default value: None

ASS Event Type

Meaning: Event Type

Value range: power(power system), env(environment system), sig(signaling system), trunk(relay system), hardware(hardware system), software(software system), run(running system), comm(communication system), service(QoS), handle(processing Error)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the event Typeof the alarm to the queried, and is set to SELECT ALL by default.

Default value: None

SD Start Date

Meaning: start date of the alarm records to be queried

Value range:

1. Year: 2000-2050

2. Month: Jan-Dec

3. Day: 1-31

Explanation: This parameter specifies the start date of the alarm records. If the parameter is not set, the Start date is set to 1970-01-02 by default.

Default value: None

ED End Date

Meaning: end date of the alarm records to be queried

Value range:

1. Year: 2000-2050

2. Month: Jan-Dec

3. Day: 1-31

Explanation: This parameter specifies the end date of the alarm records. If the parameter is not set, the End Date is set to today by default.

Default value: None

ST Start Time

Meaning: start time of the alarm records to be queried

Value range:

1. Hour: 0-23

2. Minute: 0-59

3. Second: 0-59

Explanation: This parameter specifies the start time of the alarm records. If the parameter is not set, the Start time is set to 00:00:00 by default.

Default value: None

ET End Time

Meaning: end time of the alarm records to be queried

Value range:

1. Hour: 0-23

2. Minute: 0-59

3. Second: 0-59

Explanation: This parameter specifies the end time of the alarm records. If the parameter is not set, the End time is set to 23:59:59 by default.

Default value: None

SRN Subrack No.

Meaning: number of the BSC subrack that generates the alarm

Value range: 0-30

Explanation: This parameter specifies the subrack that generates the alarm to be queried. If the parameter is not set, the alarms generated in all the subracks are queried.

Default value: None

SN Slot No.

Meaning: number of the BSC slot that generates the alarm

Value range: 0-27

Explanation: This parameter specifies the slot that generates the alarm to be queried. If the parameter is not set, the alarms generated in all the slots are queried.

Default value: None

SSSN Start Sync Serial No.

Meaning: start synchronization number

Value range: 1-2147483646

Explanation: This parameter specifies the start synchronization number of the alarm records.

Default value: None

ESSN End Sync Serial No.

Meaning: end synchronization number

Value range: 1-2147483646

Explanation: Each reported alarm is assigned a synchronization number in succession. The clear alarm and corresponding fault alarm have different synchronization numbers.

Default value: None

SRTORD Result Sort Order

Meaning: order of sorting query results

Value range: DES(sort descending), ASC(sort ascending)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the order of sorting the alarm records to be queried.

Default value: DES(sort descending)

RT Type of Return Result

Meaning: type of returned results

Value range: bin(BIN Message), file(queried file)

Explanation: If you choose bin(BIN MESSAG), the query result is displayed on the current screen. If you choose file(queried file), the query result is output in the file fomat. You need to upload the file to view the details.

Default value: bin(BIN Message)

CNT Records to Return

Meaning: number of alarm records to be returned in BIN message fomat.

Value range: 1-1000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of alarm records to be returned in BIN message fomat. By default, 64 alarm records are returned for each query.

Default value: 64

FN File Name

Meaning: file name

Value range: 1-63 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of the file for outputting the queried alarm logs.

Default value: None

CNT Record Number Of Query By File

Meaning: number of alarm records to be returned

Value range: 1-10000

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of returned alarm records when alarm records are returned as files. By default, 64 alarm records are returned for each query. When the alarms records are returned as files, You need to upload the file to the local PC to view the details.

Default value: 64


Example 1
To list the alarm records by setting the conditions as follows:
- Alarm Type: flt
- Alarm Cleared Flag: cleared-0&uncleared-1
- Alarm Severity: Critical-1&Major-0&Minor-0&Warning-0
- Subrack No.: 12
- Slot No.: 25
- Sort Order: DES
- Records to Return: 10
Execute the following command:
LST ALMLOG: almtp=flt, clrflg=cleared-0&uncleared-1, alvl=Critical-1&Major-0&Minor-0&Warning-0, srn=12, sn=25, srtord=DES, cnt=10;

The result is displayed as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2008-07-16 08:22:32
O&M    #208
%%LST ALMLOG: almtp=flt, clrflg=cleared-0&uncleared-1, alvl=Critical-1&Major-0&M
inor-0&Warning-0, srn=12, sn=25, srtord=DES, cnt=10;%%
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

ALARM  3           Fault     Critical        BSC6000   21551      Communication
     Sync serial No.  =  4
          Alarm name  =  Ater OML Broken Alarm
   Alarm raised time  =  2008-07-15 17:01:03
       Location info  =  Index No.=10,Subrack No.=12, Slot No.=25,E1/T1 Port No.
        Cleared type  =  Not Cleared

ALARM  2           Fault     Critical        BSC6000   21551      Communication
     Sync serial No.  =  3
          Alarm name  =  Ater OML Broken Alarm
   Alarm raised time  =  2008-07-15 17:01:02
       Location info  =  Index No.=10,Subrack No.=12, Slot No.=25,E1/T1 Port No.
        Cleared type  =  Not Cleared

(Number of results = 2)

---    END
Example 2
To list all  alarm records: 

Output Description

Domain Name Description
Serial No.

Serial number of the alarm record

Alarm Type

Type of the alarm.FLT: fault alarm,EVT: event alarm

Alarm Severity

Severity of the alarm. CRITICAL: critical alarm,MAJOR: major alarm,MINOR: minor alarm,WARNING: warning

Alarm Source

Source where the alarm is generated

Alarm ID

Uniquely identifying a type of alarm

Event Type

Event type of the alarm record. power(power system), env(environment system), sig(signaling system), trunk(relay system), hardware(hardware system), software(software system), run(running system), comm(communication system), service(QoS), handle(Processing Error).

Sync serial No.

Sync serial No.

Alarm name

Alarm name

Alarm raised time

Alarm raised time

Location info

Location informaton of the alarm

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