List Bearer Channel(LST BC)


An OM command that queries the configuration information of the bearer channel (BC) at the FR layer.

To query the information of the BC at the FR layer in a specified subrack, set Subrack No..

To query the information of the specified BC at the FR layer, set Subrack No., Slot No., Port No., and Bearer Channel ID.




ID Name Description
SRN Subrack No.

Meaning:Subrack No.

Value range:0~11

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack that holds the GEPUG.

Default value:None

SN Slot No.

Meaning:Slot No.

Value range:0~27

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the slot in which the GEPUG is located.

Default value:None

PN Port No.

Meaning:Port No.

Value range:0~31

Explanation: This parameter specifies the port number of the BC on the GEPUG.

Default value:None

BCID BC Identifier

Meaning:BC Identifier

Value range:0~255

Explanation: Each bearer channel (BC) on an E1 is assigned a number to facilitate local management. This number is called bearer channel ID.

The local BC number and the peer BC number can be different. For one BC, the timeslot distribution at one end of the E1 must be the same as that at the other end of the E1 link. Therefore, the BC is available for communication.

Default value:None


1. Query the data information of the BC at the FR layer (Subrack No. = 0):
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2008-07-03 11:12:20 DST
O&M    #5409
%%LST BC: SRN=0;%%
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

LST BC Result
Subrack No.  Slot No.  Port No.  Bearer Channel ID  Frame Relay Protocol Type  DTE Parameter (N391)  DTE Parameter (N392)  DTE Parameter (N393)  DTE Parameter (T391)  Timeslot Mask                   

0            14        0         0                  Q933                       6                     3                     4                     10                    01111111100000000000000000000000
0            14        1         1                  Q933                       6                     3                     4                     10                    01111111100000000000000000000000
0            14        2         2                  Q933                       6                     3                     4                     10                    01100000000000000000000000000000
(Number of results = 3)

---    END
2. Query the data information of the BC at the FR layer (Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 18; Port No. = 0):
LST BC: SRN=0, SN=18, PN=0;
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2008-07-03 11:13:43 DST
O&M    #5431
%%LST BC: SRN=0, SN=18, PN=0;%%
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

LST BC Result
              Subrack No.  =  0
                 Slot No.  =  18
                 Port No.  =  0
        Bearer Channel ID  =  0
Frame Relay Protocol Type  =  Q933
     DTE Parameter (N391)  =  6
     DTE Parameter (N392)  =  3
     DTE Parameter (N393)  =  4
     DTE Parameter (T391)  =  10
            Timeslot Mask  =  01111111100000000000000000000000
(Number of results = 1)

---    END

Output Description

For details, see the parameter description of the ADD BC command.

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