ID | Name | Description |
CG | Command group | Meaning: command group Value range: G_0-G_31 Explanation: 1. This parameter lists the commands in the specified command group. 2. A command group acts as the minimum unit in allocating rights to local operators, who are the objects of authority management. Default value: None |
1. Query all the commands in G_12: LST CCG: CG=G_12; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 2007-10-29 03:49:32 O&M #35 %%LST CCG: CG=G_12;%% RETCODE = 0 Execution succeeded The command group G_12 includes the following commands: -------------------- Command Column 1 Command Column 2 Command Column 3 RMV ALMFLT CHK ALM CLR BOXLGT STP BOXSND RST ALMBOX SET ALMLVL SET ALMSHLD SET BOXRPT SET BLKALMTHRD SET INDFLG SET ALMEMS RST ALMCFG SET ALMLOG SET ALMSCRN SET ENVALMPARA SET ENVALMCFG SET ITMALMTHRD ALM TESTCORE ALM TESTITF ADD PHYALMSHLD RMV PHYALMSHLD ADD OBJALMSHLD RMV OBJALMSHLD LST ALMLOG ULD ALMLOG LST ALMCFG LST ALMSCRN (Number of results = 27) --- END 2. Query all the commands in G_29: LST CCG: CG=G_29; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 2007-10-29 04:49:32 O&M #45 %%LST CCG: CG=G_29;%% RETCODE = 0 Execution succeeded The command group G_29 includes the following commands: -------------------- Command Column 1 Command Column 2 Command Column 3 NULL NULL NULL (Number of results = 0) --- END