1. Query the commands that can be executed by the operator(admin): LST CMDS:; The result is as follows: %%LST CMDS:;%% RETCODE = 0 Execution succeeded All commands can be executed --- END 2. Query the commands that can be executed by the operator(other op): LST CMDS:; LST CMDS:; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 2008-01-01 20:59:09 O&M #1659 %%lst cmds:;%% RETCODE = 0 Execution succeeded Operator can execute the following command ------------------------------------------ Command column 1 Command column 2 Command column 3 LST CCG LST OP MOD PWD ACK MODPWD LST MUSTMODPWD LST OPSW LST OPLOCK LST ONLINEOP LST CMDS LST SRB LST CCGN LST EMS ACK LGI LST PWDPOLICY DSP SSLCPB LST LOGINFO LST RTCSW MOD RTCSW DSP RTC PFM TEST LST EMSTZ LST TZ DSP TIME URB EVENT LST SRBEVT SRB EVT LST DEFLANG LST LANGINFO NEG OPT RVI OP SND CRG SHK HAND LST CONNECTION LGI LGO ACK SYNC LST INTVER LST M2000FTPUSR DSP FTPSSRV DSP BTSAVAILSTAT DSP AUPWCRT ULD BSSLOG LST CFGFILE LST TRCRSLT ULD MEASRST DSP CFGLODSW LST CFGRIGHT LST BATCHFILESN (Number of results = 420) --- END