List Log File(LST LOGFILE)


An OM command that queries the log files that have been generated in the NE.

To query the all log files, do not specify any parameter.

To query a specific type of log files, specify the parameter Log file type.

To query all the log files generated after a specific time, specify the parameter Starttime.

To query all the log files generated before a specific time, specify the parameter Endtime.




ID Name Description
FTP Log file type

eaning: type of the log file

Value range: TXTLOG(txtlog), OPRLOG(oprlog), RUNLOG(runlog), DBGLOG(dbglog), LSTLOG(lstlog), DSPLOG(dsplog), DLTLOG(dltlog), TCRLOG(tcrlog), CHRLOG(chrlog, BTSLOG(btslog), FRQLOG(frqlog), CLTLOG(cltlog), FBDLOG(fbdlog), TRPLOG(trplog), RSPLOG(rsplog), EQPLOG(eqplog), PCRLOG(pcrlog), LICLOG(liclog)

Explanation: This parameter specifies the type of the log file in the query about the existing log file list in the NE; if not specified, all types of logs are queried.

Default value: None

ST Starttime

Meaning: start time of the time period of the query

Value range:

1. Year: 1970-2038

2. Month: 1-12

3. Day: 1-31

4. Hour: 0-23

5. Minute: 0-59

6. Second: 0-59

Remarks: This parameter specifies the start time of the time period in the query. You can query the list of log files that are generated after the start time. If not specified, the value is the earliest time of the very day.

Default value: None

ET Endtime

Meaning: end time of the time period of the query

Value range:

1. Year: 1970-2038

2. Month: 1-12

3. Day: 1-31

4. Hour: 0-23

5. Minute: 0-59

6. Second: 0-59

Remarks: This parameter specifies the end time of the time period in the query. You can query the list of log files that are generated before the end time. By default, the value is the time when the current command is delivered.

Default value: None


1. Query all the log files:
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2007-11-14 16:07:24
O&M    #362
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

File Type  File Name                        File Length

txtlog     20071113_163602_0000.txtlog      368
oprlog     20071113_163602_0000.oprlog      2600
oprlog     20071114_151010_0000.oprlog      2164
runlog     20071113_163602_0000.runlog      4496
runlog     20071114_151007_0000.runlog      576
dbglog  5504
dbglog     20071114_151007_0000.dbglog      7956
lstlog     20071113_163602_0000.lstlog      356
chrlog     20071113_163602_0000.chrlog      356
btslog     20071113_163602_0000.btslog      356
frqlog     20071113_163602_0000.frqlog      356
cltlog     20071113_163602_0000.cltlog      356
fbdlog     20071113_163602_0000.fbdlog      356
trplog     20071113_163602_0000.trplog      356
rsplog     20071113_163602_0000.rsplog      356
eqplog     20071113_163602_0000.eqplog      356
liclog     20071113_163602_0000.liclog      356
(Number of results = 17)

---    END
2. Query the log files generated within a specified time period:
LST LOGFILE: FTP=OPRLOG, ST=2007&10&15&08&31&13, ET=2007&10&29&08&31&13;
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2007-10-29 10:34:47
O&M    #10
%%LST LOGFILE: FTP=OPRLOG, ST=2007&10&15&08&31&13, ET=2007&10&29&08&31&13;%%
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

File Type  File Name                    File Length

oprlog     20071023_163513_0000.oprlog  948
oprlog     20071025_100235_0000.oprlog  3896
oprlog     20071026_132905_0000.oprlog  3296
oprlog     20071028_200849_0000.oprlog  2888
oprlog     20071029_074634_0000.oprlog  5188
(Number of results = 5)

---    END

Output Description

Domain Name Description
File Type

Type of the log file

File Name

Name of the output log file

File Length

Size of the output log file

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