List SSL Configuration(LST SSLCONF)


An OM command that queries the SSL configuration.






Query the configuration of the SSL:
The result is as follows:
+++    HUAWEI        2008-10-11 12:32:47
O&M    #41
RETCODE = 0  Operation succeeded

List SSL Configuration
Connection Type                        =  ALL Type
Authentication Mode                    =  Verify None
Log Level                              =  Log Error
Root Certificate File Name             =  root.cer
Certificate Revocation List File Name  =  CRLFile.crl
Certificate Chain File Name            =  RootChain.cer 
Certificate File Name                  =  ClientCertificate.cer
Private Key File Name                  =  ClientPrivKey
(Number of results = 1)

---    END

Output Description

Domain Name Description
Connection Type

The value ALL indicates that the ordinary LMT and the SSL LMT can access the OMU. The value ONLY_SSL indicates that only the SSL LMT can access the OMU.

Authentication Mode

Authentication mode. The value NONE indicates anonymous authentication. The value PEER indicates that the two-way digital certificate is used in authentication on the LMT and the OMU.

Log Level

Log Error, Log Debug, Log Fatal Error, Log Info

Root Certificate File Name

Name of the root certificate file

Certificate Revocation List File Name

Name of the certificate revocation list

Certificate Chain File Name

Name of the certificate chain file

Certificate File Name

Name of the certificate file on the OMU

Private Key File Name

Name of the private key file on the OMU

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