Modify BTS Ring Network Attributes(MOD BTSRINGATTR)


A configuration command that modifies parameters of the BTS ring topology attributes. In this command, the following parameters uniquely identify the BTS

BTS Index or BTS Name


1. When a non-ring BTS is modified to be a ring BTS, all the BTSs on the same chain are modified accordingly. The values of the parameters "wait time before switch[s]" and "try rotating duration time[s]" of the current BTS require to be specified through the interface, and the values of these parameters of other BTSs are default values.

2 When a BTS in ring topology mode is modified to be a BTS in non-ring topology mode, all the BTSs on the same chain are modified accordingly. The parameters Reverse slot No., Reverse port No., wait time before switch[s], and try rotating duration time[s] of the BTSs are modified to invalid values.

3 When only the parameter Reverse slot No. or Reverse port No. of a BTS is modified, all the BTSs on the same chain are modified accordingly.

4 When only the parameter "wait time before switch[s]" or "try rotating duration time[s]" is modified, the modification applies to only the current BTS.

5. When the network is in 16kbit/s mode, the value of the parameter T200[10ms] cannot be smaller than 24. When the network is in 64kbit/s mode, the value of the parameter T200[10ms] cannot be smaller than 12.


ID Name Description
IDXTYPE Index type

Meaning:Index type

Value range:BYNAME(By Name),BYIDX(By Index)

Explanation: Index type.

Default value:None


Meaning:BTS index

Value range:0~2047

Explanation: This parameter specifies the index number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC.

Default value:None


Meaning:BTS name

Value range:1-32 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of a BTS. The name of each BTS is unique in a BSC. Excluding the invalid characters ';',',','"','''','=','\','%%','+++','&','#'.

Default value:None

CONFIGRING Configure ring

Meaning:Configure ring

Value range:NO(No),YES(Yes)

Explanation: This parameter specifies whether a BTS supports the ring topology.The ring topology outperforms the chain topology in its ability to form two separate chains once disconnected at one point without affecting the services. This improves the robustness of the system.

Default value:None

REVSN Reverse slot No.

Meaning:Reverse slot No.

Value range:0~27

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of a slot in the BSC subrack where the GEIUB/GOIUB/GEHUB corresponding to the out-BSC end of the reverse OML is located.

Default value:None

REVPN Reverse port No.

Meaning:Reverse port No.

Value range:0~83

Explanation: Each BTS in the ring topology has an OML in the reverse direction. This parameter specifies the number of the port (on the GEIUB/GOIUB/GEHUB) connected to the reverse OML.

Default value:None

WTBS Ring I wait time before switch[s]

Meaning:Ring I wait time before switch[s]

Value range:60~300

Explanation: After the transmission of a BTS is disrupted, a link in the reverse direction will be established. This parameter specifies the waiting time before such a link is established.

Default value:None

TBS Ring I try rotating duration time[s]

Meaning:Ring I try rotating duration time[s]

Value range:60~300

Explanation: This parameter specifies that the BTS repeatedly attempts to connect to port 0 or port 1 after the switchover. If the connection on one port fails within the Try Rotating Duration Time, the BTS tries to connect to another port.

Default value:None

FASTCNETFLAG Configure ring II

Meaning:Configure ring II

Value range:NO(No),YES(Yes)

Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to enable the Huawei II ring topology. If this parameter is set to Yes, the Huawei II ring topology is enabled.

Default value:None

BREAKTIME Ring II wait time before switch[s]

Meaning:Ring II wait time before switch[s]

Value range:0~255

Explanation: This parameter specifies that the BTSs need to wait for a period of time before the switchover is performed, and thus the switchover caused by the OML intermittent blinking is avoided. This parameter specifies the waiting time.

Default value:None

BUILDTIME Ring II try rotating duration time[s]

Meaning:Ring II try rotating duration time[s]

Value range:10~255

Explanation: When the OML is not established at one port after a period of time, the OML switches to another port and tries to connect to this port. The duration time is called ring II rotating duration time.

Default value:None

ESTTIME Ring II rotating penalty time[s]

Meaning:Ring II rotating penalty time[s]

Value range:0~255

Explanation: When the OML is switched to a port where the connection is successful, the switchover cannot be performed over a certain period, which is specified as ring II rotating penalty time(s) by this parameter.

Default value:None

T200 T200[10ms]


Value range:6~240

Explanation: This parameter specifies the timer of the LAPD protocol. The value of timer specifies the time of frame responded and confirmed by the command frame that the LAPD link waits to send.

Default value:None

T203 T203[s]


Value range:1~10

Explanation: This parameter specifies the timer of the LAPD protocol. The value of timer specifies the maximum duration of no frame exchange in the LAPD link.

Default value:None

N200 N200[time]


Value range:1~3

Explanation: This parameter specifies the system parameter in the LAPD protocol. The value specifies the maximum number of times when a frame is transmitted again.

Default value:None


Suppose the serving BTS is a BTS30 named BTS30 and directly connects to the BSC.
1. If the transmission quality is high and a short switchover time (< 8s) is required, set the parameters as follows (when the network is in 16kbit/s mode, it is recommended to set T200[10ms] to 24):
2. If the transmission quality is low, set the parameters as follows to avoid the intermittent blinking of the link:
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