A configuration command that modifies the parameters of the BTS RET antenna. In this command, the following parameters uniquely identify the antenna:
BTS Index or BTS Name
Board No.
Antenna No.
1.The DATU, GATM or the RXU board (DRRU,MRRU,MRFU,GRRU or GRFU) corresponding to the parameter Board No. must exist.
2.The entered information should be consistent with the actual configuration.
ID | Name | Description |
IDXTYPE | Index Type | Meaning:Index Type Value range:BYNAME(By Name),BYIDX(By Index) Explanation:Index type. Default value:None |
BTSIDX | BTS Index | Meaning:BTS Index Value range:0~2047 Explanation:This parameter specifies the index number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Default value:None |
BTSNAME | BTS Name | Meaning:BTS Name Value range:1-32 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the name of a BTS. The name of each BTS is unique in a BSC. Excluding the invalid characters ';',',','"','''','=','\','%%','+++','&','#'. Default value:None |
BRDTYPE | Board Type. | Meaning:Board Type. Value range:DATU(DATU),GATM(GATM),DRRU(DRRU),MRRU(MRRU),MRFU(MRFU),GRRU(GRRU),GRFU(GRFU) Explanation:This parameter specifies Antenna Control Board Type, and distinguishes different types of BTS boards. Each type of boards corresponds |
CONTROLBRDNO | Antenna Control Board No. | Meaning:Antenna Control Board No. Value range:0~255 Explanation:This parameter specifies the number of the board that controls the RET antenna. Default value:None |
ATN | Antenna No. | Meaning:Antenna No. Value range:0~35 Explanation:This parameter specifies the number of the RET antenna. Default value:None |
BRN | Branch No. | Meaning:Branch No. Value range:0~5 Explanation:This parameter specifies the feeder tributary number of the RET antenna. Default value:None |
CONNECTBRDNO | Antenna Connect Board No. | Meaning:Antenna Connect Board No. Value range:0~255 Explanation:This parameter specifies the number of the board that is connected to the antenna. Default value:None |
CELLNO | Cell No. | Meaning:Cell No. Value range:0~127 Explanation:This parameter specifies the number of the cell covered by the RET antenna. Default value:None |
ANTALIAS | Antenna Alias | Meaning:Antenna Alias Value range:1-50 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the alias of the RET antenna. Default value:None |
VC | Vendor Code | Meaning:Vendor Code Value range:2 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the vendor of the RET antenna. Default value:None |
SN | Serial No. | Meaning:Serial No. Value range:1-17 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the delivery serial number of the RET antenna. Default value:None |
Modify the RET antenna (Index Type = BYIDX(By Index); BTS Index = 0; Board Type. = DATU(DATU); Antenna Control Board No. = 1; Antenna No. = 0; Branch No. = 0; Antenna Connect Board No. = 0; Cell No. = 0; Antenna Alias = info; Vendor Code = AA; Serial No. = 1234): MOD RATANTENNA: IDXTYPE=BYIDX, BTSIDX=0, BRDTYPE=DATU, CONTROLBRDNO=1, ATN=0, BRN=0, CONNECTBRDNO=0, CELLNO=0, ANTALIAS="info", VC="AA", SN="1234";