ID | Name | Description |
IDXTYPE | Index Type | Meaning:Index Type Value range:BYNAME(By Name),BYIDX(By Index) Explanation:Index type. Default value:None |
BTSIDX | BTS Index | Meaning:BTS Index Value range:0~2047 Explanation:This parameter specifies the index number of a BTS. Each BTS is numbered uniquely in a BSC. Default value:None |
BTSNAME | BTS Name | Meaning:BTS Name Value range:1-32 characters Explanation:This parameter specifies the name of a BTS. The name of each BTS is unique in a BSC. Excluding the invalid characters ';',',','"','''','=','\','%%','+++','&','#'. Default value:None |
OPTYPE | Operate Type | Meaning:Operate Type Value range:FORBID(Forbid),RESTORE(Restore) Explanation:This parameter specifies whether to enable or disable a timeslot. Default value:None |
PN | Port NO. | Meaning:Port NO. Value range:0~23 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the port on the BTS where the timeslot to be enabled or disabled is configured. Default value:None |
STARTTS | Start Timeslot NO. | Meaning:Start Timeslot NO. Value range:1~31 Explanation:This parameter indicates the number of the E1 timeslot transmitted on a Ater signaling link over the Ater interface. Generally, an E1 link has 32 timeslots. Timeslot 0 is specially used for synchronization. The transmission rate of each timeslot is 64 kbit/s. One timeslot generally consists of eight sub-timeslots (the transmission rate of each sub-timeslot is 8 kbit/s) or four sub-timeslots (the transmission rate of each sub-timeslot is 16 kbit/s). This parameter cannot be blank. You can modify the Timeslot No. of only idle E1 timeslots on the same GEIUT or GOIUT. Default value:None |
STARTSUBTS | Start Sub Timeslot NO. | Meaning:Start Sub Timeslot NO. Value range:0(0),2(2),4(4),6(6) Explanation:One E1 timeslot generally consists of eight sub-timeslots (the transmission rate of each sub-timeslot is 8 kbit/s) or four sub-timeslots (the transmission rate of each sub-timeslot is 16 kbit/s). The eight sub-timeslots are numbered 0-7 and the four sub-timeslots are numbered 0-3. Default value:None |
ENDTS | End Timeslot NO. | Meaning:End Timeslot NO. Value range:1~31 Explanation:This parameter specifies the timeslot number of an E1 port on the GEIUT/GOIUT occupied by the Ater signaling link. Each E1 port has 32 timeslots and each timeslot works at 64 kbit/s. Each timeslot is divided into eight sub-timeslots (8 kbit/s per sub-timeslot) or four sub-timeslots (16 kbit/s per sub-timeslot). Timeslot 0 is mainly used for synchronization. Generally, this timeslot is unused. The timeslot number of the Ater signaling link cannot be null. The timeslot number can be modified but it must be an unoccupied timeslot on the same GEIUT or GOIUT. Default value:None |
ENDSUBTS | End Sub Timeslot NO. | Meaning:End Sub Timeslot NO. Value range:0(0),2(2),4(4),6(6) Explanation:Each timeslot of the E1 port is divided into eight sub-timeslots (8 kbit/s per sub-timeslot) or four sub-timeslots (16 kbit/s per sub-timeslot). In the case of eight sub-timeslots, the sub-timeslots are numbered 0 to 7. In the case of four sub-timeslots, the sub-timeslots are numbered 0 to 3. Default value:None |
Forbid the port timeslot of the BTS(Index Type = BYIDX(By Index); BTS Index = 0; Operate Type = FORBID(Forbid); Port NO. = 1; Start Timeslot NO. = 10; Start Sub Timeslot NO. = 0; End Timeslot NO.= 11; End Dub Timeslot NO. = 0): SET BTSFORBIDTS: IDXTYPE=BYIDX, BTSIDX=0, OPTYPE=FORBID, PN=1, STARTTS=10, STARTSUBTS=0, ENDTS=11, ENDSUBTS=0;