An OM command that sets the management status of a BTS object, such as a cell, TRX, or channel in the configuration database.
1. The MML client communicates properly with the BSC.
2. The BSC communicates properly with the BTS.
3. The management status of a child object must be the same as that of its parent object. For example, if the cell is blocked, all the TRXs and channels in the cell are blocked.
4. This command applies to only the unblocked objects.
5. Setting the object status may affect the services, so use this command with caution.
ID | Name | Description |
OBJTP | Resource object | Meaning: resource object Value range: CELL(Cell), TRX(Trx), CHL(Chl) Explanation: This parameter specifies the resource to be managed. Default value: None |
IDXTYPE | Index type | Meaning: index type Value range: BYNAME(By Name), BYIDX(By Index) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to select a resource by name or index. Default value: None |
CELLIDX | Cell Index | Meaning: cell index Value range: 0-2047 Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of the cell where TRXs reside. The cell index is unique in one BSC. Default value: None |
CELLNAME | Cell Name | Meaning: cell name Value range: 1-32 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the cell name. The cell name uniquely identifies a cell under the BSC. Default value: None |
TRX | TRX No. | Meaning: TRX number Value range: 0-71 Description: This parameter specifies the internal carrier number of a BTS. Default value: None |
CHL | Chl No. | Meaning: channel number Value range: 0-7 Explanation: This parameter specifies the channel number. Default value: None |
STAT | State | Meaning: object state Value range: LOCKED(LOCKED), UNLOCKED(UNLOCKED), SHUTDOWN(SHUTDOWN) Explanation: LOCKED(LOCKED) indicates that the object is locked. UNLOCKED(UNLOCKED) indicates that the object is unlocked. SHUTDOWN(SHUTDOWN) indicates that the object is shut down. Default value: None |
1. Set the BTS object management status (Resource object = CELL(Cell); Index type = BYIDX(By Index); Cell Index = 1; State = LOCKED(LOCKED)): SET BTSOBJ: OBJTP=CELL, IDXTYPE=BYIDX, CELLIDX=1, STAT=LOCKED; 2. Set the BTS object management status (Resource object = TRX(Trx); Index type = BYIDX(By Index); Cell Index = 1; TRX No. = 0; Stste = SHUTDOWN(SHUTDOWN)): SET BTSOBJ: OBJTP=TRX, IDXTYPE=BYIDX, CELLIDX=1, TRX=0, STAT=SHUTDOWN;