A configuration command that sets the CS-domain CHR configuration parameters or the PS-domain CHR configuration parameters.
ID | Name | Description |
CHRTYPE | CHR Type | Meaning: CHR type Value range: CS(CHR of CS), PS(CHR of PS) Explanation: This parameter specifies the type of the CHR. Default value: None |
CSRCDSW | CHR Record Switch | Meaning: CHR record switch Value range: OFF(CHR Not Allowd), ON(CHR Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to enable the CHR record switch. Default value: None |
CSOUTMODE | CHR Output Control Mode | Meaning: CHR output control mode Value range: FC(Call Finish Cause Mode), RS(Call Resource Specified Mode) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control mode of the CHR. Default value: None |
CSTRC | Track Section Output Control | Meaning: track section output control Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ALL(OutPut Allowed), ERR(OutPut When Call Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control mode of the track section. Default value: None |
CSTRCLV | Track Output Level | Meaning: track output level Value range: INFO(Info Level), WARN(Warning Level), ERR(Error Level), AST(Assert Level) Explanation: This parameter specifies the track output level. Default value: None |
CSCLTM | Call Time Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the call time section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ALL(OutPut Allowed), ERR(OutPut When Call Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the call time section. Default value: None |
CSSGN | Signaling Msg section output control | Meaning: output control of the signaling message section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ALL(OutPut Allowed), ERR(OutPut When Call Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the signaling message section. Default value: None |
CSTCINFO | TC Info Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the TC information section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ALL(OutPut Allowed), ERR(OutPut When Call Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the TC information section. Default value: None |
CSMSID | MSID Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the MS identification section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the MS identification section. Default value: None |
CSHORES | HO Resource Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the handover resource section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the handover resource section. Default value: None |
CSMEAINFO | MeasurementInfo Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the measurement information section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the measurement information section. Default value: None |
CSBISCRES | Basic Resource Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the basic call resources section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the basic call resources section. Default value: None |
CSLCCCB | Local CCB Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the local CCB section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the local CCB section. Default value: None |
CSCLTERMSW | Whether Set CHR Call Termination Causes | Meaning: cause for the CHR call termination Value range: NO(Not Setup), YES(Setup) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to set the cause for the CHR call termination. Default value: None |
CSNMRL | Normal Release | Meaning: normal release Value range: CLREL(Normal Call Release), HOREL(Successful Handover Release) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of normal release. Default value: None |
CSLKRES | Lack of Resources | Meaning: release due to lack of system resources Value range: SD(No Sd Channel Resources), TCH(No Tch Channel Resources), ABIS(No Abis Resources), ATER(No Ater Resources), TC(No Tc Resource) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of insufficient system resources. Default value: None |
CSABRES | Abnormal of Resources | Meaning: abnormal system resources Value range: CHN(Channel Resources Fault), CHNBLK(Channel Resources Block), ABIS(Abis Resources Fault), TCATER(TC Ater Resources Fault), BMATER(BM Ater Resources Fault), AITF(Requested A Resources Failure), AALLC(A Circuit Allocated), TC(TC Resources Fault), ATER2TCSET(Link Ater and TC Fail), TC2ASET(Link TC and A Fail), ATER2ABISSET(Link Ater and Abis Fail), ATER2TC(Connect Ater and TC Fault), TC2A(Connect TC and A Fault), ATER2ABIS(Connect Ater and Abis Fault), BTSABIS(BTS-Abis Circuit Fault), BMSETST(BM Net Fault for Local Switch), BTSLCSW(BTS Fault for Local Switch), BMSETRT(BM Net Fault for Restored), SCCP(SCCP Link Abnormal), N07(No.7 Disconnect), ARST(A Circuit Reset), MSCRST(MSC Reset Indication) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal system resources. Default value: None |
CSABUM | Abnormal of Um Interface | Meaning: abnormal Um interface Value range: IMMASGNTO(Assignment Establish Timeout), ASGNTO(Assignment Complete Timeout), ASGN(Assignment Failure), MDMODTO(Channel Mode Modify Timeout), MODNACK(Channel Mode Modify Nack), HOTO(Handover Complete Timeout), HO(Handover Failure), HOLCSW(Handover Fail at Local Switch), CIPHTO(Ciphering Mode Timeout), MEARPT(No Measurement Report), RRSTT(RR Status) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal Um interface. Default value: None |
CSABABIS | Abnormal of Abis Interface or Bts | Meaning: abnormal Abis interface or BTS Value range: ABIS(Abis Link Unavailable), ACTTO(Channel Activation Timout), ACTNACK(Channel Activation Nack), MDMODTO(Mode Modify Timeout), MODNACK(Mode Modify Nack), CIPHNSUP(BTS Algorithm not Supported), CNC(Connection Failure By BTS), INDERR(Error Indication By BTS), INDREL(Release Indication By BTS) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal Abis interface or BTS. Default value: None |
CSINNCS | Inner Cause of BSC | Meaning: inner cause of the BSC Value range: SWA(Software Abnormal), RERR(Resourcese Check Error), CMAB(Communication Abnormal), FLC(Flow Control), BSCANS(BSC Algorithm not Supported), NS(No Valid Speech), SMSNS(SMS Not Support), MSGAB(Message Abnormal), SAPI3F(SAPI3 Setup Fail) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of inner failure of the BSC. Default value: None |
CSABEQM | Abnormal of Equipment | Meaning: equipment fault Value range: GXPUM(GXPUM Board Fault), GXPUT(GXPUT Board Fault), TCGSCU(GSCU Board For TC Fault) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of equipment fault. Default value: None |
CSEXTCS | External Cause | Meaning: external cause Value range: LICNSPC(License Act-No Valid Speech), LICHFRTEX(License Act-Half Rate Exceed), MSCCLREL(MSC Abnormal Call Release), MSCHORF(Handover Refuse For MSC), MSCNORP(No Response From MSC), OTHERCAUSE(Other Cause) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of external failure. Default value: None |
CSLNKFT | Link Fault | Meaning: link fault Value range: ABISLNKCG(HDLC Abis Link Congestion), ABISLNK(HDLC Abis Link Fault), IPABIS(IP Abis State Fault), IPA(IP A State Fault), PIUA2DSPI(Connect PIUA and DSPI Fault), DSPI2ABIS(Connect DSPI and Abis Fault) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of link fault. Default value: None |
CSCFGERR | Config Error | Meaning: configuration error Value range: TRXNCONF(Trx No Config), PIUAMGWNCONFIP(IP in PIUA And MGW No Config) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of configuration error. Default value: None |
PSRCDSW | CHR Record Switch | Meaning: CHR record switch Value range: OFF(CHR Not Allowd), ON(CHR Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to enable the CHR record switch. Default value: None |
PSOUTMODE | CHR Output Control Mode | Meaning: CHR output control mode Value range: FC(Call Finish Cause Mode), RS(Call Resource Specified Mode) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control mode of the CHR. Default value: None |
PSTRC | Track Section Output Control | Meaning: track section output control Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ALL(OutPut Allowed), ERR(OutPut When Call Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control mode of the track section. Default value: None |
PSTRCLV | Track Output Level | Meaning: track output level Value range: INFO(Info Level), WARN(Warning Level), ERR(Error Level), AST(Assert Level) Explanation: This parameter specifies the track output level. Default value: None |
PSMSID | MSID Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the MS identification section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the MS identification section. Default value: None |
PSDELAY | Delay Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the delay section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the delay section. Default value: None |
PSMEAINFO | MeasurementInfo Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the measurement information section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the measurement information section. Default value: None |
PSBISCRES | Basic Resource Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the basic call resources section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the basic call resources section. Default value: None |
PSLCCCB | Local CCB Section Output Control | Meaning: output control of the local CCB section Value range: OFF(OutPut Not Allowed), ON(OutPut Allowed) Explanation: This parameter specifies the output control of the local CCB section. Default value: None |
PSCLTERMSW | Whether Set CHR Call Termination Causes | Meaning: whether to set the cause for the CHR call termination Value range: NO(Not Setup), YES(Setup) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to set the cause for the CHR call termination. Default value: None |
PSNMRL | Normal Release | Meaning: normal release Value range: T3191TO(T3191 TimeOut), T3193TO(T3193 TimeOut) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of normal release. Default value: None |
PSABFW | Abnormal of PS Flow | Meaning: abnormal PS flow Value range: GPRSUSP(GPRS Suspended), TBFPMPT(TBF Preempted), NEWTBF(New Down Link TBF Establish), TSRCDERR(TS Record Error), TBFRELSUSP(TBF Release Suspend), TBFRELFLS(TBF Release Flush) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal PS flow. Default value: None |
PSABCK | Abnormal of Check up | Meaning: check-up failure Value range: RELINC(Release Cause Inconsistent), FAILINC(Fail Cause Inconsistent) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of check-up failure. Default value: None |
PSABUM | Abnormal of Um | Meaning: abnormal Um interface Value range: UMAB(Um Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal Um interface. Default value: None |
PSABSW | Abnormal of Software | Meaning: abnormal software Value range: RESTO(Wait Resource Timeout), MACACKTO(Wait MAC Ack Timeout), RLCTO(Wait RLC Ready Timeout), MSGERR(Message Error), ASFULL(ASS Queue Full) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal software. Default value: None |
PSMSNRSP | Ms No Response | Meaning: no response from the MS Value range: T3169TO(T3169 Timeout), T3195TO(T3195 Timeout), MSNASW(MS No Answer), N3101OF(N3101 Overflow), N3103OF(N3103 Overflow), N3105OF(N3105 Overflow), T3191TO(T3191 TIMEOUT), TBFMS(TBF Uplink Fail So MS No Ack), TBFN3101(N3101 So TBF Uplink release), TBFN3103(N3103 So TBF Uplink release), TBFN3105(N3105 So TBF Uplink release) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of MS No Response. Default value: None |
PSCELLCNG | Cell Change | Meaning: cell reselection Value range: CELLCNG(Cell Change) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of cell reselection. Default value: None |
PSABCELLST | Abnormal of Cell State | Meaning: abnormal cell state Value range: CELLNEXT(Cell Not Exist), CELLNWK(Cell Not Working), BVCBLK(BVC Blocked), CELLDEACT(Cell Deactivate), PCUBLK(PCU Cell Block), BSCBLK(BSC Cell Block) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal cell state. Default value: None |
PSABCHNST | Abnormal of Channel State | Meaning: abnormal channel state Value range: TRXNEXT(TRX Not Exist), PCUPDCHBLK(PCU PDCH Block), BSCPDCHBLK(BSC PDCH Block), PDCHSYN(PDCH Synchronization Fail), PDCHSTAB(PDCH State Abnormal) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal channel state. Default value: None |
PSABSYSRES | Abnormal of System Resource | Meaning: abnormal system resources Value range: NOTFI(No TFI Resource), NOPDCH(No PDCH Resource), ASRESAB(ASS Resource Abnormal), REASSRESAB(REASS Resource Abnormal), TBFNOCHN(TBF Fail Due To No Channel) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of abnormal system resources. Default value: None |
PSLNKFT | Link Fault | Meaning: link fault Value range: ABISLNKCG(HDLC Abis Link Congestion), ABISLNK(HDLC Abis Link Fault), IPABIS(IP Abis State Fault), IPA(IP A State Fault), PIUA2DSPI(Connect PIUA And DSPI Fault), DSPI2ABIS(Connect DSPI And Abis Fault) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of link fault. Default value: None |
PSCFGERR | Config Error | Meaning: configuration error Value range: TRXNCONF(Trx No Config), BTSPTNCONF(BTS Port No Config), PIUAMGWNCONFIP(IP in PIUA And MGW No Config) Explanation: This parameter specifies the condition for recording the call in the case of configuration error. Default value: None |
MREXTCTRL | MR Extend Section Output Control | Meaning: MR Extend Section Output Control Value range: OFF(Output disable) ON(Output enable) Explanation: This parameter specifies the MR extend section output control. Default value: None |
MREXTRADIO | MR Extend Section Output Ratio | Meaning: MR Extend Section Output Ratio Value range: 1-100 Explanation: This parameter specifies the MR extend section output ratio. Default value: None |