Set Password Policy(SET PWDPOLICY)


A configuration command that sets the security policy parameters related to the current password in the configuration database. Only the security policy of the password that expires is checked.




ID Name Description
PWDMINLEN Password minimal length

Meaning: minimum length of the password

Value range: 6-32

Explanation: This parameter specifies the minimum length of the password. If this parameter is set to eight, then the length of the password must be equal to or greater than eight characters (less than 32 characters).

Default value: 8

COMPLICACY Password complicacy

Meaning: complicacy of the password

Value range: LOWERCASE(Lowercase), UPPERCASE(Uppercase), DIGIT(Digit), SPECHAR(Special character)


1. The above four values can be combined as required. For example, the combination of UPPERCASE and DIGIT indicates that the password must contain both the uppercase letter and the digit.

2. This parameter specifies the minimum restrictions on the complicacy of the password.For example, the combination of LOWERCASE and DIGIT indicates that the password must at least contain both the lowercase letter and the digit.The password can also contain uppercase letters or special characters. The actual password complicacy must reach or surpass the specified password complicacy.That is, when the (LOWERCASE + DIGIT) password complicacy is specified, the actual password complicacy can be (LOWERCASE + DIGIT), (UPPERCASE + LOWERCASE + DIGIT), (UPPERCASE + LOWERCASE + DIGIT + SPECHAR), or (LOWERCASE + DIGIT + SPECHAR).

Default value: LOWERCASE(Lowercase) and DIGIT(Digit)

MAXMISSTIMES Password max miss times

Meaning: maximum number of password retries

Value range: 1-10

Explanation: This parameter specifies the maximum number of password retries.If the number of password retries reaches this parameter value, the system is locked. In this case, the user cannot log in to the system even if the user inputs the user name and password correctly.If the password is input correctly before the number of password retries reaches this parameter value, the user can log in to the system and the number of password retries is reset to zero.

Default value: 3

AUTOUNLOCKTIME Auto unlock time[minutes]

Meaning: auto unlock time for the locked password

Value range: 1-65535


1. This parameter specifies the length of the time after which the locked password is unlocked automatically.That is, the number of password retries is reset to zero after a certain period and the user is allowed to log in.This parameter prevents a user from being locked permanently. If the auto unlocking function is not needed, you can set this parameter to 65535. In this case, only the administrator can unlock the user.

2. The unit is minute.

Default value: 30

RESETINTERVAL Reset Interval of Account Lock[mins]

Meaning: reset interval of the counter for account locking

Value range: 1-60


1. This parameter specifies the length of the time after which the number of password retries is reset to zero automatically.For example, this parameter is set to five minutes. If a user inputs the password improperly for consecutively three times, and if two times of password retries are left, then the user can still have five times of password retries after five minutes.

2. The unit is minute.

Default value: 5

PASSREPLMT Password repeat limit

Meaning: password repeat limit

Value range: 1-10

Explanation: This parameter specifies the number of times within which the password cannot be reused.For example, if this parameter is set to five, then the lately five passwords cannot be reused.

Default value: 3

MAXPERIOD Password max period[days]

Meaning: maximum validity period of the password

Value range: 0-999


1. This parameter specifies the maximum validity period of a password. When the maximum validity period of the password expires, the system requests for a new password.

2. The unit is day.

Default value: 30

MINPERIOD Password min period[hours]

Meaning: minimum validity period of the password

Value range: 1-10080


1. This parameter specifies the minimum validity period of a password, during which the password cannot be changed. This is to prevent the password from being changed frequently and to maintain the restrictions on Password repeat limit.

2. The unit is minute.

Default value: 1440

PWDEXPRT Prompting Expiry Number of Days

Meaning: number of days before the prompt for password expiry

Value range: 1-30


1. This parameter specifies the number of days prompting the user to change the password before the password expiry.

2. The unit is day.

Default value: 10


Set the password policy ((Password minimal length = 9; Password complicacy = LOWERCASE + DIGIT; Password max miss times = 4; Auto unlock time[minutes] = 30; Reset Interval of Account Lock[mins] = 4; Password repeat limit = 4; Password max period[days] = 90; Password min period[mins] = 5; Prompting Expiry Number of Days = 10):

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