An OM command that obtains the compressed log file of a specified BTS from the OMU and saves it locally.
1. The MML client must communicate properly with the BSC.
2. The BSC must communicate properly with the BTS.
3. Before running this command, run the STR BTSCMPLOG2OMU command to save the compressed log file of the specified BTS to the OMU.
ID | Name | Description |
FN | Name of Compress Log File | Meaning: name of the compressed log file Value range: 1-256 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of the compressed log file. Default value: None |
IP | FTP Server Address | Meaning: IP address of the FTP server Value range: Explanation: This parameter specifies the IP address of the FTP server. Default value: None |
USR | FTP User Name | Meaning: user name for logging in to the FTP server Value range: 1-32 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the user name used for logging in to the FTP server. Default value: None |
PWD | FTP Password | Meaning: password for logging in to the FTP server Value range: 1-32 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the password used for logging in to the FTP server. Default value: None |
DIR | Local Directory | Meaning: local directory Value range: 1-256 characters Explanation: This parameter specifies the name of the local directory for saving the log file. Default value: None |
IFREPPRO | If Report Progress | Meaning: whether to report the progress Value range: NO(Not Report), YES(Need Report) Explanation: This parameter specifies whether to report the progress. Default value: None |
Obtain the compressed log file from the OMU (Name of Compress Log File = bts312.lzp; FTP Server Address =; FTP User Name = swmtest; FTP Password = swmtest; Local Directory = /; If Report Progress = YES(Need Report)): ULD BTSCMPLOG: FN="bts312.lzp", IP="", USR="swmtest", PWD="*******", DIR="/", IFREPPRO=YES;