Upload TC File(ULD TCFILE)


An OM command that uploads the TC file in the directory data\mtndata\tcFile to the local.


This command consumes certain system resources.

1. An incomplete filename is allowable. Only characters on the right of the filename can be omitted. Wildcard character is not allowed. For example:

?If you type FFSSDDttt_YYYYMMddHHmmss_MSID.dat, only this file is uploaded. If you type FFSSDDttt_YYYYMMddHHmmss_MSID, the corresponding .dat and .wav files are uploaded. If you type FFSSDD, all the .dat and .wav files recorded by the specified DSP in the specified slot and subrack are uploaded. If you type FF, the .dat and .wav files recorded by all DSPs in the specified subrack are uploaded.

2. The files are stored in the root directory of FTP Server.

3. Before upload, the TC resource files must be generated and FTP Server must be running.


ID Name Description

Meaning: IP address of the FTP server

Value range:

Explanation: This parameter specifies the IP address of the FTP server.

Default value: None

USR FTPServer user

Meaning: user name of the FTP server

Value range: 1-16 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the user name of the FTP server.

Default value: None

PWD User password

Meaning: password of the FTP server

Value range: 1-16 characters

Explanation: This parameter specifies the password of the FTP server.

Default value: None

NM File name

Meaning: file name

Value range: 4-62 characters


1. This parameter specifies the name of the file to be uploaded.

2. You may enter an incomplete filename so long as the input satisfies the following rules: characters on the right of the filename can be omitted; wildcards are not supported. If you type FFSSDDttt_YYYYMMddHHmmss_MSID.dat, only this file is uploaded. If you type FFSSDDttt_YYYYMMddHHmmss_MSID, the corresponding .dat and .wav files are uploaded. If you type FFSSDD, all the .dat and .wav files recorded by the specified DSP in the specified slot and subrack are uploaded. If you type FF, the .dat and .wav files recorded by all DSPs in the specified subrack are uploaded.

Default value: None


Upload the TC resource file "011000043-20070630011926" stored in the server whose IP address is
ULD TCFILE:IP=,USR=swmtest,PWD=swmtest,NM="011000043-20070630011926";
Related reference
Download TC File(DLD TCFILE)

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