Flex Abis Mode

Parameter Name

Flex Abis Mode


This parameter specifies the following three timeslot allocation modes: Fix Abis, Flex Abis, and SemiSolid. In Fix Abis mode, the timeslot resources on the Abis interface correspond to the TCH resources on the Um interfaces based on configurations, and the mapping is 1:1. In Flex Abis mode, different services in the same BTS share Abis interface timeslots, and different BTSs share Abis interface timeslots, which are allocated as required.

GUI Value Range

[Fix Abis,Flex Abis,SemiSolid]

Default Value

Fix Abis





Modification Rules

Configuration Policy

If you set this parameter to Flex Abis or SemiSolid in the following scenarios, the usage of Abis transmission resources is increased.

(1) Transmission resources are insufficient and the rent is very high, for example, the satellite transmission mode is used.

(2) The actual traffic volume is lighter than that in the channel resource plan.

(3) The cells sharing the Abis interface transmission resources have different peak hours.

(4) The PS services in a cell take up a high proportion.

Recommended Value

Fix Abis

Parameter Relationship


BSC Feature

Flex Abis

Parameter Class

Parameters About Equipment


Modifying this parameter leads to BTS reset.

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