NCC Permitted

Parameter Name

NCC Permitted


This parameter specifies the NCCs to be reported by the MSs in a cell. This parameter is an information element (IE) in the system information type 2 and 6 messages.

If a bit in the value of this parameter is set to 1, the MS reports the corresponding measurement report to the BTS. The value of this parameter has a byte (eight bits). Each bit maps with an NCC (0-7) and the most significant bit corresponds to NCC 7. If bit N is 0, the MS does not measure the cell level of NCC N.

GUI Value Range

[Selection of 7 Perm., Selection of 6 Perm., Selection of 5 Perm., Selection of 4 Perm., Selection of 3 Perm., Selection of 2 Perm., Selection of 1 Perm., Selection of 0 Perm.]

Default Value






Modification Rules


Configuration Policy

The most significant three bits of BSIC for all cells map with the NCC. NCC Permitted should be set properly to avoid too many call drops.

Recommended Value


Parameter Relationship


BSC Feature


Parameter Class

Parameters About Radio Resources


The value of the parameter NCC Permitted consists of eight bits. The most significant bit is defined as bit 7, and the least significant bit is defined as bit 0. The eight bits (from bit 0 to bit 7) correspond to the NCC values (0-7). For example, bit 0 corresponds to NCC value 0.If bit n of NCC Permitted of the cell where the operating MS is located is set to 0, the MS cannot report the information about the neighboring cells in the network whose NCC value is set to n. Thus, this parameter should be correctly set. Otherwise, an MS during an ongoing call cannot perform a normal handover, and thus a call drop occurs.

During an ongoing call, the MS reports to the BTS the signal information on neighboring cells. A report covers a maximum of six cells. Thus, the MS should report those possible target cells, rather than selecting cells based only on the signal level. Generally, the MS does not report the information on the cells belonging to other GSM PLMNs.

This function enables the MS to measure only those specified cells. This parameter specifies the codes of the NCCs to be measured by the MS.

On the SCH, the system constantly transmits the BSIC, the first three bits of which indicate the NCC. Thus, the MS needs to compare only this parameter with the adjacent NCCs measured. Then, the MS reports the matched NCCs to the BTS and discards others.

This parameter affects only those MSs during conversation, as well as boundary handovers.

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